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  1. I found that dischord continues to have the audio and microphone open after the time limit has been reached. The screen is blank so he can't type, but can still talk and listen to his friends. Please help. I also would like to see a monitor on this site.
  2. My son has a windows 10 laptop. There are teacher videos he needs to watch emailed with links. Youtube.com is forbbiden, so the link is blocked and he asks for permission. I allow this url, but then I noticed that after the link is allowed and the video is launched, he can then click on any suggested video on the page and keep watching what ever comes up. But, when youtube is searched on Chrome its blocked. I have youtube.com as always blocked, or forbidden. The exceptions are the links that the teacher sent. He has is 17, uses Chrome. How can I only allow the specific videos so he won’t watch what comes up in his feed?
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