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Everything posted by Goetz

  1. Wegen Sehbehinderung wil ich un doch Texteingaben per Sprache akrivieren. Unter Win10 spll das ganz einfach gfehen. Dort aber ver3weigert dder Assistent den Start. Ich bin schon allen Hinweisen gefolgt; es gibt ein integriertes Mikrofon. Es bleicbt eigentlich nur die Möglichkeit, dass KIS das Mikro blockiert. M.Q. ains Qwbcam uns Mikeo durch KIS verwaltet; ich kann aber die Soundkontrolle nicht beeinflussen. Es gibt zwar noch eine soft Zoomtext mit Sprachassistent, der aber standardmäßig deaktiviert ist. W Wie kann ich KIS die Kontrolle entziehen?
  2. I understand Iwanted to write: Please change!
  3. I do not want a help but gibve a feedback. I did not find any other way to. what hte hell means “canage”? The German translation for is “Gemetzeel”
  4. I suppose: yes. The reason on was - as mentioned - a failure to start before.. The content of the package were 2 files: ks*dump.log, ks*.dmp as far as I remeber. Found in aKaspersky dir. Tjhe exact text of the dialogue I do not remember. It was in German and the view was similar to the screenshoit you posted
  5. As I remember on I accepted to help and send informations aboutproblems or about the program. Today there was a dialogue if I want to send. But how to know _she_ wants to send sewnsible date to _whom_? It needs some time to get the information that the logs are found in the dir of Kaspersky! WH> is it not possible to - simply - write the name of the program in the top of the dielogue?! Amd/or write a short text opn this information? Normaly I would preess the buton “not send” to hinder ANY prog to send anything of my system anywhere! Please canage!!!
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