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  1. I recently did a fresh install when I switched from Kaspersky Total to Kaspersky plus. Like I said, this has been the case for over a year when websites stopped working overnight and I thought it was my isp. I was using Total then. No it isnt. However the crux remains, when I disable Kaspersky or add the sites to trusted, they all start working like a charm. Tbh a perculiar thing I observed, of all the sites it facing this, torrents were the worst hit. Not one would open with Kaspersky enabled. If I disabled 'K' - Voila! I even got a vpn subscription thinking it was my isp all this while.
  2. https://imgur.com/ojfexkK This activates prompt for not just web urls, but every app on my pc thats trying to connect to the internet.
  3. I added all the urls to trusted and url advisor exclusions. But it doesnt work.
  4. I realized it only a few days ago, after a year of it happening when I happened to accidentally turn it off. Every website that I believed was blocked by my isp started launching. I thought Kaspersky Plus(Pure earlier) was supposed to prompt me on every site it blocks? My settings were always on medium and "prompt" was checked whenever its an option. My question is, how do I get it to continue analyzing, but instead of proactively blocking any site, to prompt me on ones it analyses as a potential threat? So anayze but let me decide, and NO blocking unless I say so
  5. Received the patch yesterday. All seems good for now. 👌
  6. Any updates on this? My Kaspersky got updated to 21.17 few days ago and it started blocking all browser vpn connections, chrome, firefox, edge and brave. Its not conducive for me to keep disabling Kaspersky everytime so I may access the internt through my vpn.
  7. I installed kaspersky total security trial(which is still running). Web protection and password manager stopped working on chrome all of a sudden. Uninstalled and reinstalled them. Even reinstalled chrome. Problem not solved. Extensions working fine on firefox OS: win 10 x64 App version:
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