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  1. Thank you Berny & Flood. I emailed Kaspersky tech support/customer svc about this issue and they told me that auto-renew for the license in question was actually already off, which is what I wanted, so that point is settled. But yeah, I finally gave up trying to log in to my Nexway account, having spent so much time on it already. What's strange, though, is that I still have the confirmation email from when I first created my Nexway account, yet when I use the same e̶m̶a̶i̶l̶ a̶d̶d̶r̶e̶s̶s̶ login ID to log in & say I forgot my password, it says they have no record of that e̶m̶a̶i̶l̶ a̶d̶d̶r̶e̶s̶s̶ login ID. I haven't asked Kaspersky customer svc about this particular point yet so probably should do so. Thank you both again.
  2. Has anyone resolved this problem yet? I simply want to turn off the auto renewal on my license but can't get into my Nexway account to even see my order. Couple questions, just to confirm what I had already (I thought) set up last year... 1. What is supposed to go in the "Login" field? and 2. What is "Invalid token" appearing underneath the "Confirm password" field really saying? I continually get this when trying to log in. Nothing I've done so far has helped get past it. I am using the login ID and password I set up in July 2023 when I first created this Nexway account. These data seem to be invalid now for some reason. I've tried logging in in two different browsers (Vivaldi, based on Chrome, and Firefox, both the latest versions) in both Windows 10 and on my Android phone (running Android 13), and no go. I've cleared the cache and deleted both Nexway & Kaspersky cookies in both browsers, again in Windows and Android, but still no go. Refreshing the page in all cases also doesn't help. So how can I log in to see my order & turn off auto-renewal? What happened to the Nexway account I had supposedly created? This is so frustrating... such a simple task made so annoyingly difficult. Thanks for any help here.
  3. Hi Flood, Thanks for the reminder, though I prefer using Vivaldi, and for now will just keep this Kaspersky extension turned off. Thanks for the heads-up about Kaspersky Password Manager. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure this extension was once working fine for me in Vivaldi, but hasn't for a long time. I just never got around to posting anything about this extension issue till I saw the it mentioned here again. The likely fact that it was working and now isn't seems to be the main issue here, and similarly among some of the commenters on the extension's Chrome Store page too. (FWIW, and as you no doubt know, Vivaldi is Chromium-based too, just as MS Edge, Brave, and Google Chrome are, so hopefully Kaspersky eventually does support it fully.) In case it matters, I notice that I and the others posting here are using Chrome ver. 87.x, which is beyond the ver. 85.x that this Kaspersky page says it supports for KIS. Also, the supported HW/SW page for KIS that you linked to has the line "Newer versions of browsers can be supported if the browser supports the corresponding technology." Although this line makes it sound a bit vague about what exactly is supported in the end, could that maybe be an issue here too? Thanks again.
  4. The same issue is happening to me in 64-bit Vivaldi 3.5.2115.81 (using Chrome ver. 87.0.4280.107), with KIS This is running in (64-bit) Windows 10 Pro ver. 1909 (Build 18363.1256). Scanning through the comments on the Chrome Web Store for the Kaspersky Protection extension shows that this problem has existed since at least August 2020, possibly starting with KIS 2021 (which appears was released in June 2020). One oddity, though... When in normal mode (with extensions activated, this one included), and I search in the Chrome Web Store for the Kaspersky Protection extension, nothing at all is found. However, I can get to the Chrome Store's page for this extension but it seems only by using the link on the extension's "Details" page, then "View in Chrome Web Store".
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