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  1. I just did, ticket INC000010513579, thank you Konstantin
  2. Hello. On one of the endpoints we are managing, we are getting an error everywhere because there is a double task, "Unable to run two tasks at the same time ." We are running Kaspersky Security Cloud Plus (latest version of Endpoint security), how do we remove one task and keep the other one on Windows 10 ? Thank you.
  3. Hello. First I have tried to install the .Exe I downloaded from my KS Cloud interface, but I was getting the error 1603 in the last step (see Screenshot 1), and when I tried installing it directly as standalone, I got the error 27300/mklif.sys_x64 (Screenshot2). I tried using kavremvr, but its not doing much. In my Cloud control interface, the device is always showing in red, saying missing "KES" (see screenshot 3). I had Kaspersky Internet security installed on this device before removing it and trying to install Security Cloud. Thank you for your help. Screenshot 1 : Screenshot 2 : Screenshot 3:
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