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  1. On behalf of all the INK SEO Copywriting software community, thank you for correcting this.
  2. When the item was scanned by the portal, it said the same thing … the heuristic treated it like malware. Then when you click the submit to technical review .. button (right side) I type a message with my email and explanation .. hit the send/submit button and then it spins for a while until showing the error message in my previous post.
  3. these images came from our users I tried to submit on this site multiple times, also via the contact form. See the error message above. https://opentip.kaspersky.com I engaged in chat on Facebook and didn’t get help. The chat person keeps assuming I’m a Kaspersky software user and points me in the wrong direction. I tweeted at your support team, and I sent LinkedIn messages to people @ Kaspersky. Note, we’ve been to the site & tried to “get” the exe to test, with no success. You can bypass the need to create an INK account by downloading our software directly from this link: hxxps.//downloads.seo.app/latest/app.html?platform=windows (note this is our .exe file that Kaspersky flags as a false positive)
  4. I don’t have a Kaspersky license. This is affecting my customers who have Kaspersky. I’ve exhausted every support channel and have not gotten anywhere.
  5. App from hxxps.//inkforall.com is wrongly flagged by heuristic to contain malware. HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Silence.gen The submission tool does not work - it says Error: an error occured while sending the object for re-validation. Please try again later. https://opentip.kaspersky.com/99BCEF2C3E25AE97F6385012E48AF11503B50AB5DF1D0EBBD08D8FCBEED1B3AA/
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