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Everything posted by Adem

  1. Thank you for your feedback. I tried, but the issue wasn't resolved, so I've created a ticket. Additionally, there's an error in the Firefox extension installation process. Here's how you can potentially help others: In Kaspersky's own documentation, they provide this link for the Firefox extension: https://browser-plugins.s.kaspersky-labs.com/kpm/extension/firefox/kaspersky_password_manager-, but the extension file in this link doesn't work. It simply opens as faulty and doesn't establish a connection. When you try to download the extension in Kaspersky Password Manager for MacOS, it redirects you to "https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl=tr&link=kpmmac_Firefox&pid=kpmmac&version=," which is also incorrect. To solve this, you can change the "tr" part in the link to "en" or "ru," and then you can download and use the extension. For example: https://click.kaspersky.com/?hl=en&link=kpmmac_Firefox&pid=kpmmac&version=
  2. The extension consistently remains in this state. I can only use it once or twice at most. Both the Password Manager and the Kaspersky Protection extension are malfunctioning. You can see it in the screenshots. The only thing I've noticed is that if I don't enter a password into and activate the Kaspersky Password Manager application on MacOS, it doesn't encounter any errors. Of course, in that case, I can't use the password manager. Does anyone have any ideas about this? MacOS Sonoma 14.5 Firefox 125.0.2 (64 Bit)
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