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  1. @Schulte Before seeing your advice, I did that and clicked on "resolve all" for a bunch of other objects. I left it running in the background for an entire day to resolve all those issues, and I guess it did. I found that KSC detected only four objects this time, and I could also resolve those. So, now the full scan shows safe results : ) Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. @Schulte Thanks for responding. I use Kali-Linux on VirtualBox for some of my college classes, so I am afraid that the deletion of files might mess up something. And it has been there on my system for a year, and MS Defender never found any problem with it. I wanted to eliminate the threats Defender found some days ago when I downloaded files from a movie website. Do you think it is possible to deal with those three detected threats in KSC?
  3. Hello. I recently installed Kaspersky Security Cloud software because my MS Defender notified me about some Trojan files and could not remove them. I ran a full scan with the KSC software, showing me 456 infected objects. When I tried to "resolve all" under the 'Protection' subsection of Notification Center, it only showed a loading spinning wheel and didn't delete any object. It says, "Your decision is required to delete these objects." - I thought I meant to click on the resolve all option, but it doesn't seem to delete those objects. I have attached screenshots which might provide more info. If someone has faced this issue or knows more about it, please help me find a solution to this. Thank you in advance! OS: Windows 10 Home x64 KSC Version:
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