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Windows 10 defender finding Win32/Ramnit.A and Win32/Sality.AT Kaspersky is not

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I am scanning my laptop with a new hard drive and fresh install of windows 10 and a usb connected hard drive and windows defender is finding Ramnit and Sality on the usb hard drive but the Kaspersky virus removal tool is not finding anything even though it is scanning it. Is this a problem with windows defender or Kaspersky virus removal tool?


It cleaned the Sality but i ran the Kaspersky virus removal tool after to see if windows missed anything and after running Kaspersky multiple times it still found nothing so i ran the windows defender again and it found stuff again. Kaspersky didn't. I’m running windows defender again right now to see what else it finds but I do not see why Kaspersky is finding nothing.


I ran windows defender and found the Sality virus. I let windows defender clean it. Then I downloaded the Kaspersky virus removal tool to make sure windows didn’t miss anything and ran that to make sure there was nothing else that windows defender had missed. It found nothing. Then I ran windows defender again and windows found Sality again along with Ramnit. That is the order in which I did things. Kaspersky isn’t finding any of these viruses. Only windows defender is. I do not know which one is the problem. Kaspersky or Windows defender since they should in theory be finding the same viruses though I would expect Kaspersky to be the one doing the job better since they specialize in security.


Hello @rsrollins72,

you can never exclude that the WD detection is a false positive.

Do you have a log file for us?
Filename? Location/path to the object?


I have deleted the zip file WD was pointing to and now I’m running a second full scan and if that passes I’m going to install some of the programs on that hard drive to see if I can get it to show up again. I will keep you posted if viruses start showing up again.  

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