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WIN 10: KES Tray Icon disapears after two days.

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I have the following problem. The KES Icon disapears after two days, KES is running, but not startable. When I install a Windows Update, or a Kaspersky Update the tray icon shows again, but after two days the icon is gone again, till the next update. When the tray icon shows up, everything works fine. But when the icon is gone, I see that Kaspersky is still running in task-manager, but i can't start the GUI. The icon hide on client-side policy is not set. I've tried the fix form the topic, but no chance: https://community.kaspersky.com/kaspersky-corporate-products-27/system-tray-icon-missing-on-some-devices-661 Any other ideas?
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  • 1 year later...

This problem has been observed in KES 11.5, but may apply to other versions as well.


Sometimes KES tray icon gives you some unexpected behavior like showing up twice or not appearing at all ( icons next to Windows clock).


Reset the tray icons:

  1. Open regedit;
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify;
  3. In the right pane, backup & delete the IconStreams Registry value;
  4. Now back up & delete the PastIconsStream Registry value;
  5. Close Registry Editor;
  6. Open Task Manger Use File -> Run new task menu item in Task Manager;
  7. Type Explorer in the "Create New Task" dialog and press Enter to restore Desktop.

This should fix your tray icons issues. The Registry values above represent the notification area icon cache which stores the tray icons for all apps.

If this cache is corrupted, it may also prevent system icons from appearing in the tray.

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