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Websites on Chrome not blocked properly but blocking on Safari works fine


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We are trying out KSK but it doesn’t work for us due to the above issue, so we haven’t decided to purchase it yet.


We can restrict access as per Safari, but because my child is used to using Chrome, we would like to allow Chrome to be used.  Both with explicit website named as well as the category (videogaming) does not work.

KSK 1.7.066

Safari (works fine; blocked) 15.2 

MacOS: 12.1

Chrome 97.0.4692.99


Thank you!

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Hello @knmnyn


  • We understand a site you’ve explicitly configured to BLOCK, does so if your child uses Safari, but not if the Chrome browser is used
  • & Blocking Category Videogaming works if videogames are attempted via the Safari browser, but does not work, again, if your child uses the Chrome browser. 
  1. For the specific site  - may we have a full screen screen image of the block that’s been applied please? 
  2. Is the KSK software the Trial version? 

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏


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