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My speculating getting Kaspersky's standard plan for my computer, is my current (right now) action. I have a desktop PC, (Win 10) internet browsing, non-Gamer.

My question is if Kaspersky goes as far as what the present AV i just purchased seems to be doing in that sites i regularly visit or go to it seemed to "block" indicating that the sites were suspicious. For not very good reasons that I could see and i traced it back to if it were browser or if it was Google because it definitely had a message or alert why red screen indicating unsafe "go back" not recommended. One reason it declared and I don't have exact quote, because they felt that that site may try to sell me something not in the best interest or to mine...Blow my mind a little bit and I suspected right off because it's not main stream media sites it's quite the opposite and I'm not so friendly of policies of NON free speech and the very banning of people from ceertain sites for their political beliefs opposite theirs and that's the bottom line here today for my question, is if Kaparsky has any problem of any subscriber's business of entertaining one's internet choices of sites that they may not agree to?

I'm not talking un-common sense; i'm not talking deep web, deepState-ish, etc..i'm just saying adult sites that are not for kids is perfectly fine to block for people and paid subscriptions if that's their minding choice. But this very experience from this Web Shield feature of new antivirus that I'm ditching because of it's over-bearing and very in my face if you will, to have to babysit behind it to "go ahead" beyond the red screen of "go back" not safe and bogus! I really thought that this AV had already missed some kind of virus that now i'm going to have to work out and come to frekn' find out it was the AV itself reacting to my alternative media sites. So, after this long winded and apologize for that, of typing all this out the question has to be up front is if this Kaparasky AV has the same kind of policies-such as based on ....... or that is, if anti-anyone or thing, does it have bearing on the AV's portion of having paid subscription as if to "be in charge" of what you deem approval or dis-engage due to content. I know the name of the game is protection from Virus' so that's a little bit of a stretch. But keeping in perspective or within common sense logical way, that I don't expect your answer to be Yes, etc..

So, that's the main concern. Tjhanks!


Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)

Hello @Joe2day, 


It would help us if we had an example of what you're reporting - look in the Kaspersky's Standard's Reports, anything that's been detected/blocked will be there. 

Thank you?

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
Corrected spelling

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