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Web anti-virus blocking my website [Closed]

Go to solution Solved by Schulte,

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Hello, Kaspersky web anti-virus is blocking an iframe in my website https://testbook.com whenever a user clicks on login or sign-up button. Is this a mistake on our end? If not then who do I contact to get this fixed?
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intrusus Hello, thank you for your reply! Yes that is one way to get it to work. But my website is used by a lot of customers and it's virtually impossible to ask everyone who uses kaspersky to add an exception. Is there anyway the software itself can whitelist my site?
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Hi Labmen, I'm sorry, I misjudged your question/problem. Of course, Schulte's approach is the best way to ensure that all users of Kaspersky Lab products have smooth access to your website. Sorry again for the misunderstanding! :innocent: Best regards Leon
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  • 2 months later...
I'm too looking for Kaspersky antivirus for my website www........... Can anyone please tell me it is easy to configure antivirus on the website, does it hammer your website speed, while scanning for malicious files in real time?
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I'm too looking for Kaspersky antivirus for my website
Rahulbiz, Welcome!
  1. What do you mean "looking"?
  2. Website speed & scanning - there are so many variables, I doubt any one here would answer generic questions, such as those, with anything other than very generic answers.
  3. Are you testing Kaspersky software?
-- IF "yes", have you followed: https://support.kaspersky.com/14308?_ga=2.108692226.1241709451.1562799827-1099192669.1562799827#block4 ? -- IF "no", please post back with: Operating system, version?, build?, release? -- (all) Kaspersky software installed: Product name: free? licensed? Version(s)? Patch(x)? x = letter? -- Image of problem? -- Are there any events being logged by Kaspersky software? If "yes", please upload the report using the upload icon in your post. -- Specific details of the issue, what exactly is the problem? Thanks!
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  • 2 months later...
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