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Weather.com blocked?

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I use Windows 10, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and the Firefox browser. For the past week or so, I haven’t been able to access the “https://weather.com” website. I have no idea if that has anything to do with Kaspersky, so that’s what I’m asking.


When I try to go to that website (which I normally do first thing, every morning), nothing happens. I don’t get an error message. There isn’t a long loading time. Just,… nothing seems to happen.


Usually, the weather channel does take a long time to load - longer than most websites, certainly. But this seems to be blocked long before that - if it even is blocked. I don’t even know that much. Again, nothing seems to happen, whether I click on a link to that website or type it in manually.


I can’t even find if there is a list of blocked sites in Kaspersky. I assume that there must be, but… I don’t know. And I really have no reason to think that Kaspersky might be the problem here. I just don’t know what it could be.


So I thought I’d ask. Thanks.

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Hello @Bill Garthright

We also cannot replicate the issue, however, you may be able to troubleshoot by looking at the browser log, as follows:

After going to https://weather.com/, place cursor in the browser window,  right click, select Inspect (1), select the Console (2) tab, in the log (3) → (coloured yellow in our image), look for any red events? 



In the last few weeks there’s been two significant software updates, both to Windows & Kaspersky:

  1. IF Kaspersky is paused & exited, does the issue persist? 
  2. IF the issue is tested in Firefox Incognito browser, does the issue persist? 
  3. Does the same issue happen in Chrome & or Edge Chromium? 
  4. Do all the Windows updates have a Successful status? 
  5. Which KAV version & patch(x) is installed → on Windows taskbar or hidden icons, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About? 

Thank you🙏



Tutorial from @Danila T. Read before you create a new topic!

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After going to https://weather.com/, place cursor in the browser window,  right click, select Inspect (1), select the Console (2) tab, in the log (3) → (coloured yellow in our image), look for any red events?


Thanks, but I can’t go to https://weather.com/ in the first place. :)  I see what you’re talking about. I can look at the log for this page, for example. But a new tab has nothing in it at all, whether or not I try to get to the weather page or not.


However, I do not have this problem when using a private window (incognito browser). I can get to weather.com just fine, then. Weird, isn’t it? So why would that be? Any ideas? I don’t know much about this stuff.


And note that there are red events in that Inspect/Console log when I do that, but I don’t understand what they mean. (“A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations.”) Still, that didn’t prevent me from going to the site, but only in the private window.


I’ll have to check the rest of that later, but Windows says it’s up to date. I assume there would be some indication on that page if an update had failed. And Kaspersky should update itself automatically, too. I’m showing version


This isn’t a huge problem, since I’m just using AccuWeather, instead. And since I can access weather.com in a private window, that probably means it’s nothing to do with Kaspersky, right? But I appreciate the help here!

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OK, it turned out to be a simple fix, after all. I just removed the cookies from weather.com, and that seems to have worked.


I should have tried that before, I know. (I’m really terrible at this stuff. Decades ago, I was interested in computers. Now I just want them to work!)


Sorry to bother you with this, but I appreciate the assistance!


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PS. Flood, your suggestion about the Inspect/Console log gave me the idea. As I say, that didn’t work in an ordinary window, since I couldn’t access weather.com from there. But I could access it from a private window, and I noticed something in the log - in yellow - about expired cookies.


So your reply is how I figured this out, eventually. Again, thanks!


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OK, it turned out to be a simple fix, after all. I just removed the cookies from weather.com, and that seems to have worked. Decades ago, I was interested in computers. Now I just want them to work!) Sorry to bother you with this, but I appreciate the assistance!


PS. Flood, your suggestion about the Inspect/Console log gave me the idea. As I say, that didn’t work in an ordinary window, since I couldn’t access weather.com from there. But I could access it from a private window, and I noticed something in the log - in yellow - about expired cookies. So your reply is how I figured this out, eventually. Again, thanks!


Hello @Bill Garthright

Apologies for the delay responding😥

Well done nutting it out, champion effort👏

We’re delighted to have been able to assist & to read the issue is resolved🤸

Thank you🙏


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