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was there a problem placing your order [Moved]

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Hello @ibrahimhabean,


A “problem placing order” may be caused by several things, for example, a problem with the payment method, a mismatch between information provided, etc...

  • Which Kaspersky software did you attempt to purchase?
  • Was the purchase from a Kaspersky online store & or Kaspersky business partner? 
  • In the email advising there’s “a problem with the order”, does the email advise any recovery steps? 
  • Has a transaction/deduction been made on your bank account? 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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thank you for reply.

I bought it from kaspersky online store.

I bought Kaspersky endpoint security for business.

I have recieved an email with Return to cart , When I returned to cart it asks me to enter my visa card again to mke payment , I already make payment and has transaction on my account bank

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