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I have bought already kaspersky premium for 3 devices. I had VPN but today i had to buy new VPN plan. Why ? I looked kaspersky premium plan and there is one option here (VPN option). 

Now i have usage limite, 300MB i bought VPN plan again and i am waiting for verifiction.


Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, AlperBK said:
  • I have bought already Kaspersky premium for 3 devices.
  • I looked Kaspersky premium plan and there is one option here (VPN option). 
  1. I had VPN but today i had to buy new VPN plan. Why ?
  • Now i have usage limited, 300MB i bought VPN plan again and i am waiting for verification.


Hello @AlperBK


  1. Have (you) signed into (your) MyKaspersky account, from the Kaspersky premium application, read: Abonelik ve Hesap
  2. Are you in a REGION & or LOCATION where local regulations *limit* VPN use, read: Belirli bölgelerde VPN kullanılamıyor
  3. What does the *outstanding* Notification say? 
  4. BEFORE the problem started was there any *other* Kaspersky software & OR VPN software on the Android? 
  5. BEFORE (you) decided to buy a second subscription, did (you) ask Kaspersky Customer Service - IF the answer is NO & if (you) still have not contacted them, please do so -> they have access to (your) private information, the Kaspersky Community does not; they can help; the Kaspersky Community can only guess at what might be the problem; we cannot look at (your) subscriptions & OR account history; fill in the support request as shown in the image; also, BEFORE contacting support, read: Müşteri hizmetlerinden destek alma:                                                     image.thumb.png.82e6fd34db85c9d7dd84ca0768252ce3.png                                                                                                                                                       
  6. IF (you) need to request a REFUND for the second subscription, read this: How to request a refund?

Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
Thank you🙏

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
formatted image

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