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Upgrade Endpoint Security to 11.7.0

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Hello everyone,


I have a few questions I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this scenario.


I had just upgraded our Security Center to 13.2. We are now looking at upgrading the Endpoint Security and Network Agent to the newest version.


Our current versions are:

-Endpoint Security (Windows)

-Security Center 10 Network Agent 10.5.1781 (Windows)


The versions we want to upgrade to are:

-Endpoint Security 11.7.0 (Windows)

-Security Center 10 Network Agent ???? (Windows)


Now the Endpoint security upgrade looks pretty straight forward. Since it is so old we will have to uninstall and re-install and cannot have both running simultaneously.


But the problem is the network agent. I looked at the list of install packages and I cannot find anything remotely similar in name as the one we used to have before. Not only that but the one I found Kaspersky Endpoint Agent 3.11 has a different version number as well.


Did the agent change names and version numbers in the last few years? I have the option of installing the Endpoint security with the network agent from the security center server but I only see the option to use my old agent.


Any one have any suggestions or information that can shed light on this?



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If I understand you right you are searching the following thing:

KSC Console → Advanced → Remote Installation → Installation Packages → Additional Actions → View Current Versions Of Kaspersky Applications


When you opened the window take a look on your filter.

You are searching KES 11.7 and Kaspersky Security Center 13.2 Network Agent


Kaspersky Endpoint Agent 3.11 is as far I know for their EDR solution


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