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Updated to KIS 2020 [ went flawlessly and kept all my settings from KIS 2019 without any issues as KIS 2020 installed directly over KIS 2019.


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Flood and Flood's wife
BinBin1, Apologies??, I did not see your (2days ago, reply to my question). The Kaspersky Community portal email address is your MyKaspersky account email address. Thanks.
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Flood and Flood's wife
No problem. Took a bit of time but I finally was able to figure out how to change my "COMMUNITY ACCOUNT" password.
Hello BinBin1, The MyKaspersky account is the primary account, the same email address /password is also used for your Community account.
  1. Also, 2FA has been released, use your mobile phone or authenticator apps to get security codes.
  2. Kaspersky recommend setting up authenticator apps on several devices.
  3. To activate, sign into: https://my.kaspersky.com/
  4. In ACCOUNT SETTINGS, Security,
  5. Select: setup: two-step verification
  6. Set up your mobile phone number.
  7. Select a verification method when you sign in.
✅Security codes are sent to your mobile phone number by SMS? ✅Security codes are generated locally by an authenticator app? Reference docs: https://support.kaspersky.com/14245#block0 "What's new" "We've introduced two-factor authentication when connecting to My Kaspersky for better protection of your account". February 27, 2019 https://help.kaspersky.com/KPC/1.0/en-US/182858.htm Thanks
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