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Update on Application Start Up, with set 5 minute delay, does not happen. I have to manual update. -KIS 21 Patch c.


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I notice that my fresh install of K.I.S. v21.1.15.500 patch C does not not update data bases after startup, I’ve set a 5 minute delay but nothing happens. Having to use manual update.

Automatic Rootkit scans take place, but use a database that is out of date.



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Hello @wgcuser

Welcome back!

Neither do ours🤐 , if you’ve done the following:

  1. Hardware and software requirements check?
  2. List of applications incompatible with Kaspersky Internet Security check? 
  3. Uninstalled & a  clean install of KISV21, log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, ​​​​provide a detailed history, including software & system specifics, all actions taken, the Community topic URL, a GSI & Windows Logs, Support may request Traces, they will guide you. 





  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.
  • Post the incident # here in your topic? 
  • Please share the outcome with the Community when it’s available?

Thank you🙏


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@Flood and Flood's wife  and @harlan4096 

Thanks for your thoughts.

This is a brand new laptop AMD Ryzen 3 3200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.60 GHz

8GB RAM.  Win 10 Home 64 bit v20H2

The install of KIS was straight off the Kaspersky website, and license applied.

The tick box re Disable Scheduled tasks is not ticked and the charging lead is plugged in and charging.

Today no Database update after 3 hours!

The only config that might be a bit strange is that I copied the KIS config from my KIS v20 a desktop PC to the laptop in a (vain) attempt to stop the annoying Google nag “Before you begin…...” 

(BTW is there a Kaspersky utility to print out all of the configuration so a human can read it?)

BR & Keep well!


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Hello @wgcuser

You’re most welcome☺ !

We’re not sure what is meant by “Google nag “Before you begin…...” , however, we recommend, Export KIS Settings, Restore KIS Settings, shutdown computer using Shutdown, not restart, power on, login, make sure KIS is active, recheck the “Update on Application Start Up, with set 5 minute delay, does not happen “ issue, if it persists, proceed with escalating to Kaspersky Technical Support, as per our original reply, and if the Exported Settings has a specific requirement, Import the Settings file, as long as you’ve established it is not the root cause of the issue. 

Regarding reading the KIS configuration file, have you actually looked at it? 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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…………..Regarding reading the KIS configuration file, have you actually looked at it? 

Please let us know?


Well, yes, I’ve tried with a text editor but reliable interpretation is not possible - is there a better method??   ;-)

I’ll do a few more tests on the update problem, following your advice.

The Google nag is probably peculiar to the UK and our GDPR “rules” - I think there is a work around.


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Turn the device off for 2 hours - enable tracing - exit from KIS - start KIS again - wait for 20 minutes - make sure that automatic update was not launched - disable tracing.

Send these traces to Tech support

Tell the request number.

Thank you!

@Anton Mefodys 

Thanks for your comments - 20 minutes of tracing produces large files - [and I don’t seem to get cyber duck to function :-{( sad face.]

Traced for about 6 minutes and sent them.

Request number is INC000012032682

Meanwhile reset updates to “Automatically”

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@Flood and Flood's wife 

@Anton Mefodys 

After contacting Tech Support I’ve had several emails requesting traces with various settings disabled. This has resulted in Safe Money becoming impossible to configure.

I decided to reinstall KIS.

I now seem to have KIS v21.2.16.590 not the original v21.1.15.500c. With a different user Interface and Options especially the Update settings that were originally complained about.

Bit of a nightmare!

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Aaaah version mystery solved!!!

v21.2.16.590 is for USA and v21.1.15.500c. for UK /EU which explains why I did not see any mention of GDPR with last install - I’m not going to dive into how I landed up with the “wrong” version!

Think I’ll wait and see what Tech support come up with on original problem!

@Flood and Flood's wife  - No solution via Tech Support.

Update on Application Start Up, with set 5 minute delay (or even 15 minutes). Does not happen and is not resolved.

Are updates now automatically running - well as soon as I change from delayed to Automatic, updates kick in. My Complaint/Comment was that there is a feature which does not seem to work for me!!



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