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I have a KSC 11.0.01131.
This console was not updated everyday, I try to upgrade it to KSC 12 but after it KSC don't connect again. (I check services, run "switch account utility", modify it from control panel, ...) but not solved.
I uninstall it, install KSC 11 and restore last backup.
Then update task run to 44% but It stays the same, from 2day's ago.
I worry about this, clients don't get update some days.
I attached GSI and Update task.
Please help, It is a big problem, and admin asks me to explain.

Thank you.


I attached them.

I have a a ticket:  INC000011566500   Jun 8, 2020, 2:28:42 PM

My request is very important.

About 4 KSC from 4 company’s have this problem.

(attached files from one KSC- In company account I attached from another company too)




In the server, please uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security v, reboot and install Kaspersky Security 10.x for Windows Server, is the recommended version for Servers.

Download: https://support.kaspersky.com/ksws10#downloads

Please review windows event logs:

The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to retrieve new Group Policy settings for this user or computer. Look in the details tab for error code and description. Windows will automatically retry this operation at the next refresh cycle. Computers joined to the domain must have proper name resolution and network connectivity to a domain controller for discovery of new Group Policy objects and settings. An event will be logged when Group Policy is successful.


Database error occured: #1950 (-2147467259) Generic db error: " '[dbnetlib][ConnectionWrite (WrapperWrite()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.'"


Product: SQL Server 2014 Database Engine Services - Update '' could not be installed. Error code 1642. Windows Installer can create logs to help troubleshoot issues with installing software packages. Use the following link for instructions on turning on logging support: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=23127


Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x800401F0


Database error occured: #1950 (5170) Generic db error: "5170 ' Cannot create file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\KAV.mdf' because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation.; Cannot create file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\KAV.mdf' because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation.' LastStatement='IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = 'KAV') CREATE DATABASE [kav];'"









What should I do to solve update issue?




I unisnall KES 11, install Kaspersky Security 10.x for Windows Server, cleare update history, then start “Download update task” again.

It start from 12:43 , I get some “timed out” and It just run to 44% after 1 houre.

Is it normal?




Is it normal?


You have a network or firewall problem or DNS or group policy, etc… that must be blocking the download.



I don’t have any problem befor that.

about 1 month ago it get update normally.




I run this command, but when I start Updat task it load HTTPS://…. links again.

(attached screenshots)

And stay on 44%



Please follow the instructions given to you in the open incident: INC000011566500 .



I read it.

I uninstalled KSC  4 days ago, then installed and retored backup.

Then update folder is empty, and I dont have any package without KES 11


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