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Unreachable clients

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Hi everyone


I’ve installed the new Security Center 12.2 to which I connect via the web interface (the snap-in doesn't work, and I don't know why).

I also reinstalled the new Network Agent on all clients, yet some of them are still uncontrollable. The console tells me that no Network Agent is installed and even repeating the installation, or even disabling the firewall, the result does not change.

What am I doing wrong?

The clients are all Windows 10 2004

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Hi @FC Sistemi,

I’d recommend standard steps:

  1. Can you ping the host?
  2. Is the Network Agent service running on host?
    Network Agent service Running


  3. What are the connection settings in Network Agent installation package? Is it IP/DNS?
    Network Agent installation package properties → Connection


  4. From one such host, run the klnagchk utility "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\NetworkAgent\klnagchk.exe" to see what might be the problem when connecting to KSC:

    klnagchk utility

You can share the printscreens here 🤠


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Hi @FC Sistemi,

I’d recommend standard steps:

  1. Can you ping the host?
  2. Is the Network Agent service running on host?
    Network Agent service Running

Yes and yes

  1. What are the connection settings in Network Agent installation package? Is it IP/DNS?
    Network Agent installation package properties → Connection

I leaved the dafault values during NA installation

  1. From one such host, run the klnagchk utility "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\NetworkAgent\klnagchk.exe" to see what might be the problem when connecting to KSC:

    klnagchk utility


You can share the printscreens here 🤠

Printscreen translated from italian (in bold, the only error I’ve found):



Starting utility 'klnagchk' ...
Checking command line options ... OK
Basic library initialization ... OK
The current device is 'PCCLIENT.DOMAIN.local'
Network Agent version is '12 .2.0.4376 (12_2) '

Reading settings ... OK
Check your settings ... OK
Network Agent Settings:
  Administration Server address: ''
  Use SSL: 1
  Compress Traffic: 1
  Number of Administration Server SSL ports: '13000'
  Number of Administration Server ports: '14000'
  Use proxy server: 0
  Administration Server certificate: available
  UDP port open: 1
  Number of UDP ports: '15000'

  Synchronization interval (min.): 15
  Connection timeout (in seconds): 30
  Send / Receive Timeout (in seconds): 180
  Device ID: 3592288b-61a1-46a9-86c3-d355e6c8adec

Attempting to connect to the Administration Server ... Transport layer error connecting to SSL authentication failed, certificate invalid or out of date.

Attempt to send an ICMP packet to the Administration Server
Sending ICMP packet [] ... OK
Sent = 1, Received = 1

Attempting to connect to Network Agent ... OK
Network Agent is running.
Receiving Network Agent Statistics ... OK
  Network Agent Statistics:
  Total number of synchronization requests: 0
  Number of completed sync requests: 0
  Total number of synchronizations: 0
  Number of synchronizations performed: 0
  Date / time of the last sync request: 11/26/2020 10:31:27 GMT (11/26/2020 11:31:27)

Basic library deinitialization ... OK




From client, if I try to open both http or https sites (with both 13000 or 14000 port) it asks for a certificate. It never happened before and, in the same company, I have other 3 clients working perfectly and 3 clients with this problem. All clients have the same Windows version



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Hi @FC Sistemi,

from what I can see, there is problem with KSC certificate, although it is available.. I’d recommend to manually set the connection for Network Agent on affected host using klmover utility (see https://support.kaspersky.com/KSC/SP3/en-US/3911.htm).

Current KSC certificate is available in C:\ProgramData\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\cert folder.


Let us know if it helped 😇


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @FC Sistemi,

from what I can see, there is problem with KSC certificate, although it is available.. I’d recommend to manually set the connection for Network Agent on affected host using klmover utility (see https://support.kaspersky.com/KSC/SP3/en-US/3911.htm).

Current KSC certificate is available in C:\ProgramData\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\cert folder.


Let us know if it helped 😇



Nothing to do. I’ve tryed to user klmover as explained in that post, The command seems to work, the log reports “all ok”, but the error persists and the client doesn’t reach the Security Center

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Hi @FC Sistemi,

it is really weird. With the same Network Agent installation some hosts are connecting and some are not? Did the Network Installation task completed successfully on such hosts?

Can you share printscreen of Network Agent klcsngtgui.exe from one such host?

Network Agent → klcsngtgui.exe

I’m afraid you will need to reinstall Network Agent with fresh package once more 😱



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @FC Sistemi,

it is really weird. With the same Network Agent installation some hosts are connecting and some are not? Did the Network Installation task completed successfully on such hosts?

Can you share printscreen of Network Agent klcsngtgui.exe from one such host?

Network Agent → klcsngtgui.exe

I’m afraid you will need to reinstall Network Agent with fresh package once more 😱



This error appears when I click on “send heartbeat” from one of those PCs:


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