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Unable to instantly block and unblock websites?


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I dont know if there is a problem with my setup or if this is normal behaviour of the app?

I allow kids access to youtube most of the time, but there are times when they need to do some work on their laptops, so during this time I want to block YouTube website.  

However, whenever I try to block (internet → exclusions → set YouTube as forbidden), the changes do not take affect straight away - in fact, it seems totally random of when some sort of ‘sync’ happens?

I’m using the android app to administer.  Kids both have windows 10 laptops.  Full paid version.

tldr - why can't I instantly block YouTube website, and then say 30 mins later, instantly unblock YouTube website?



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  1. tldr
  2. why can't I instantly block YouTube website, and then say 30 mins later, instantly unblock YouTube website? Thanks.

Hello @ImTheDaddy


  1. Is “tldr”, too long didn’t read? If “yes”, we’re not sure what’s too long to read? If “tldr”, is not “too long didn’t read”, tell us what it is? 
  2. You can. If applying the Forbidden or Allow rule is not working, there may be network issues.
  3. Also, when changing any rule, always select Save, to apply all changes.
  4. Make sure (your children) access the internet using one of the Supported browsers
  5. Make sure the children’s devices & your device, have the latest KSK version








If the issue persists, log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support; fill in the Application malfunctionOther template; provide them with the KSK version & OS version for all devices, a detailed history, including any steps you’ve taken to resolve the problem; a video showing the problem will help the support team understand the problem; Support may request Logs, Traces & other data; they will guide you:


  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in their MyKaspersky account.

Please share the outcome with the Community when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏


Resource: Read before you create a new topic!, tutorial, by @Danila T. 

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