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turn off report or some of them , can i do it?

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windows 10 64bit and windows 7 64bit & kaspersky security cloud free (d)

if i want to turn off reports or some of them , should I do via registry (regedit ) ?



for example WebMonitoringDirection is set to 1

if i change to 0 , is WebMonitoringDirection report  disabled ?


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hi, windows 10 64bit and windows 7 64bit & kaspersky security cloud free (d)

if i want to turn off reports or some of them , should I do via registry (regedit ) ?


for example WebMonitoringDirection is set to 1

if i change to 0 , is WebMonitoringDirection report disabled ?


Hello @mantra

Welcome again!

☢ Hacking the registry is never recommended. 

  1. Have you checked Notifications, Save in local report, to see if (your) requirement can be managed there? 
  2. Note, the Save in local report feature, may allow you to filter events, rather than turn OFF specific reports.

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


How to configure application notifications

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Hello @mantra

Welcome again!

☢ Hacking the registry is never recommended. 

  1. Have you checked Notifications, Save in local report, to see if (your) requirement can be managed there? 
  2. Note, the Save in local report feature, may allow you to filter events, rather than turn OFF specific reports.

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋


How to configure application notifications


i have read the link how to configure application notifications , but i have not save in local report

do you think edit registry  could be dangerous ?

should be a test , i mean if the report could be disabled there



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  1. i have not save in local report
  2. do you think edit registry could be dangerous ?
  3. should be a test, i mean if the report could be disabled there

Hello @mantra

Thank you for posting back. 

  1. Does 1. “i have not save in local report” mean, in (your) KSC application, none of the Notifications are configured to be saved in Reports? IF “no”, please explain as we do not understand? 
  2. Yes. What happens if you change a KSC entry/parameter & stop KSC functioning, but (you) do not know? 
  3. Re 3. Do you mean (your) method should be a test or there should be a test or something else; please explain, we do not understand? 
  4. What exactly is the problem with the Reports, why do you wish to “turn OFF” some Reports? 
  5. In the Reports, do you use the Search field? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hi @Flood and Flood's wife 


i have found → interface →notification settings  , and i have disabled everything to make a test

but with everthing disabled , kaspersky does write reports like

C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.3\Report\g_objid.dat and others reports


I would like only to save threat found  by file anti-virus ,  web  anti-virus , system watcher and scanners


I can’t send all the screenshot but


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  1. I would like only to save threat found by file anti-virus ,  web  anti-virus , system watcher and scanners

Hello @mantra

Thank you for posting back!

  1. May we know why please, what is the problem/difficulty, having the reports as they are? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

hi @Flood and Flood's wife 

to answer to your question , i did not that i could customize the reports in  → interface →notification settings

now ,i know it , and i have enabled what i need for example for file anti-virus critacal events , it should save only malware detected

but do you know that if i disabled everything in notification settings  like my screenshots above , kaspersky still does record reports :(

may I ask you another question  about notify on screen ?

does it work only under w10 ?


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  1. I would like only to save threat found by file anti-virus ,  web  anti-virus , system watcher and scanners

Hello @mantra

  1. May we know why please, what is the problem/difficulty, having the reports as they are? 

hi @Flood and Flood's wife 

  1. but do you know that if i disabled everything in notification settings  like my screenshots above , kaspersky still does record reports :(
  2. notify on screen, does it work only under w10 ?


Hello @mantra

  1. Is “but do you know that if i disabled everything in notification settings like my screenshots above, kaspersky still does record reports”, a statement or a question? 
  2. Notify on screen works for all machines that meet Hardware and software requirements.

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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  1. I would like only to save threat found by file anti-virus ,  web  anti-virus , system watcher and scanners

Hello @mantra

  1. May we know why please, what is the problem/difficulty, having the reports as they are? 

hi @Flood and Flood's wife 

  1. but do you know that if i disabled everything in notification settings  like my screenshots above , kaspersky still does record reports :(
  2. notify on screen, does it work only under w10 ?


Hello @mantra

  1. Is “but do you know that if i disabled everything in notification settings like my screenshots above, kaspersky still does record reports”, a statement or a question? 



it’s a stamentent , it doesn’t save all the reports ,but it does

and cheked with process haker or explorer , kaspersky write log files even everything is disabled


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it’s a statement , it doesn’t save all the reports ,but it does and checked with process hacker or explorer , kaspersky write log files even if everything is disabled. 

Hello @mantra

Thank you for posting back!

Kaspersky Reports collected in the Reports tool, are not log files. 

The Events customization feature has nothing to do with log files. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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it’s a statement , it doesn’t save all the reports ,but it does and checked with process hacker or explorer , kaspersky write log files even if everything is disabled. 

Hello @mantra

Thank you for posting back!

Kaspersky Reports collected in the Reports tool, are not log files. 

The Events customization feature has nothing to do with log files. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

hi @Flood and Flood's wife 

but  what does contain  the folder C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.3\Report ?

and could be customizable via → interface →notification settings → and disable save to local report enable /disable reports?

i can see that even i disable everything in the notifcation settings (my screenshots) kaspersky keep wrining file like g_objdt.dat


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Hello @mantra

Thank you for posting back!

The .dat files & other files, are not managed via Interface → Notification settings → Events → Save to local report. 

Why are you concerned about the .dat files, or any other Kaspersky application files, how are those files impacting your use of the Kaspersky software - please explain, because, atm, we do not understand? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hello @mantra

Thank you for posting back!

The .dat files & other files, are not managed via Interface → Notification settings → Events → Save to local report. 

Why are you concerned about the .dat files, or any other Kaspersky application files, how are those files impacting your use of the Kaspersky software - please explain, because, atm, we do not understand? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

hi @Flood and Flood's wife 

Why are you concerned about the .dat files, or any other Kaspersky application files, how are those files impacting your use of the Kaspersky software - please explain, because, atm, we do not understand? 


it’s because there is an excessive i/o writining on the ssd , kaspersky does keep writining constantly and does wear quickly an ssd

and the file size could be huge


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it’s because there is an excessive i/o writing on the ssd , kaspersky does keep writing constantly and does wear quickly an ssd. and the file size could be huge. thanks

Hello @mantra

We’ve monitored C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.3\Report .dat over the last 22 hours, the writing is not constant, nor is it excessive. 

Do the following: 

  1. Create a System restore point. 
  2. Export KSC Settings. 
  3. Reset KSC Settings to Default. 
  4. Pause KSC. 
  5. Change Windows to run in Safe Mode
  6. Delete files in C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.3\Report
  7. Delete files in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp         *USER* = your name
  8. Delete files in C:\Windows\Temp 
  9. Return to Windows normal mode
  10. Re-enable KSC
  11. Monitor  C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.3\Report .dat over a week →  take a screen print every 48 hours → at the end of the week, post the screen prints in your topic? 


Do not change anything during the monitoring period.

Do not import the original KSC Settings file. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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