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Time limits do not work since friday or so on Windows PC

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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I’ve had Safe Kids Installed since July 2020 and it’s been ok up to now.

I have some daily time limits set up for my son’s computer but they stopped working. When my son checks how much time he’s got left by clicking on the Safe Kids icon in the tray, it says that he has no limit at all for the whole day.

He can also launch applications I blocked. Changing the limits or blocking/unblocking apps has no effect at all. 

I have a Total Security 2020 Suite, it’s not a free or trial version, the licence is valid. Anti-virus runs ok.

I tried the following:

1. I restored default IE settings
2. I Restored Network settings to defaults
3. I tried to create a new Kid account in Safe Kids but when I tried to log in/connect it with the user account on windows it said that Kaspersky Safe Kids is “Unable to connect to the server”.
4. I switched to different internet connection - I connected to the hot spot created on mobile phone but it did not change anything.
5. I uninstalled Safe Kids and reinstalled, it helped but only until the computer got restarted.


By the way, I do receive alerts that my son’s visiting some websites that are not allowed.

My son’s computer is running Windows 10, version 2004
Safe Kids Version is
Total Security Version is (m)

Son's computer got some windows updates on Friday: Cumulative Security Update KB4601319 
and .NET 3.5/4.5 update KB4601050


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Hello @sha123


Thank you for the detailed information👌

❓ Do all Windows updates have a Successfully updated status? 

🅰 First let’s fix KTS, it’s up to version

  1. Create a System restore point 
  2. Check whether any applications installed on the computer are incompatible with KTS ?
  3. Uninstall KTS, save License information ONLY, leave all other checkboxes blank. 
  4. Download new KTS installer, install KTS, at the end of the install make sure the computer is shutdown, using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login. 
  5. Make sure KTS is started & patch(b) has been applied?
  6. Run a manual Database update → allow it to complete.
  7. Run a manual Full scan update → allow it to complete.

🅱 Second uninstall & clean install KSK:

  1. Create a System restore point → yes, another
  2. Shutdown all applications, browsers, etc. 
  3. Uninstall KSK
  4. At the end of the uninstall make sure the computer is shutdown, using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login.
  5. Download new KSK installer
  6. Install KSK 
  7. Configure KSK
  8. Monitor Time limits do not work” & “blocked applications able to be launched” issues?

Please let us know the outcome? 

Thank you🙏


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Hello @sha123


Thank you for the detailed information👌

❓ Do all Windows updates have a Successfully updated status? 

🅰 First let’s fix KTS, it’s up to version

  1. Create a System restore point 
  2. Check whether any applications installed on the computer are incompatible with KTS ?
  3. Uninstall KTS, save License information ONLY, leave all other checkboxes blank. 
  4. Download new KTS installer, install KTS, at the end of the install make sure the computer is shutdown, using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login. 
  5. Make sure KTS is started & patch(b) has been applied?
  6. Run a manual Database update → allow it to complete.
  7. Run a manual Full scan update → allow it to complete.

🅱 Second uninstall & clean install KSK:

  1. Create a System restore point → yes, another
  2. Shutdown all applications, browsers, etc. 
  3. Uninstall KSK
  4. At the end of the uninstall make sure the computer is shutdown, using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login.
  5. Download new KSK installer
  6. Install KSK 
  7. Configure KSK
  8. Monitor Time limits do not work” & “blocked applications able to be launched” issues?

Please let us know the outcome? 

Thank you🙏





thanks for posting.

I managed to fix it somehow by updating Windows to the latest version, i.e. October 2020 Update, version 20H2. I suppose this friday security update was the culprit. 

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Hello @sha123

Thank you for  the update👌

Have the steps we recommended in our previous reply been done? If “no”, please do so, if the issue persists, log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, fill in Application malfunction, Other template; Support will request Logs, Traces & other data, they will advise you: 



  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in the MyKaspersky account.

🔷 Please share the outcome with the Community when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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For all who encountered the issue:

Please collect traces of the issue in KSK (https://support.kaspersky.com/13191):

 1) Enable tracing
 2) Reboot OR restart KSK (Exit KSK and then launch it again).
 3) Open MyK and change time limit settings ( for instance shift the limit)
 4) Wait for 15 min
 5) Make sure that these new settings were not applied by KSK (no notifications appear)
 6) Exit KSK
 7) Copy traces from "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Safe Kids (product version)\Logs" folder to another folder (for instance to the new folder on Desktop)
 8) Disable tracing in KSK.


Send these traces to Tech support with description of the issue and screenshots.

Thank you!

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