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Threat Reports completely empty...

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I have that Problem and Support was able to get it working after applying “Patch a”.

But most devices that have a viruses detected” will NOT show  any results.

Sometimes it does show in the  Repositories Quarantine or Unprocessed files, but mostly No. You have to go to the Reports on the local machine to find out. Support claims that the Event log or Event Database is too full or cannot handle the traffic for 5000 Devices on One Security Center.

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  • 2 months later...

I am experiencing the same issue. Everything is on the latest version. But the threat reports are (almost) always empty when trying to view them. Even when the admin console mentions there are multiple found viruses on that machine.

How can this be fixed ?

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, thank you very much for replying. Events are present. Found the solution: a flag on the policy about recording local activities. That was causing the issue. Thank you.

I’m having same issue. Can you be more specific about the workaround?
Thank You!


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