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The key symbol


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Hello  @Scottadd,


Please tell us:

  1. Operating system version?
  2. KPM version? select 3 horizontal bars, lower left hand corner of KPM application, select About
  3. Chrome version ? 
  4. In Chrome, is KPM extension enabled?
  5. Has “key symbol which is unable to input over” issue always existed or is new? 
  • 6 In KPM Application, is AutoFill enabled? 


  • 7 In the sites where the “key symbol is “unable to input over”, are the sites configured in KPM application, with existing Logins & passwords? If “yes”, in KPM, selecting one of those sites, how is Autologin set? 

Please let me know?

Thank you🙏



KPM 9 System requirements

KPM Release notes, Patches A – F for version

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Hello  @Scottadd, Archie.

My “guidance” is trying to find out the problem, so I can help, without information it’s really hard to add more “guidance”. 

Please let me know 1 thru to 7 and:

(8) Please provide me with a site URL where the issue is present? 

(9) Does the same issue happen if a different browser is used? 

Thank you



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Hello  @Scottadd

Test 1:

Using Chrome v79.0.3945.79 , with Kaspersky Password Manager extension v5.0.0.23 enabled, tested 4 Kaspersky sites, requiring login & one other site, also requiring login : 

  • Kaspersky Community, KPM Key shows, successful input of data & login. 
  • Kaspersky Facebook, KPM Key shows, successful input of data & login. 
  • Kaspersky VK, KPM Key shows, successful input of data & login. 
  • Kaspersky Club, KPM Key shows, successful input of data & login. 
  • LinkedIn, KPM Key shows, successful input of data & login


Test 2:

Using Chrome v79.0.3945.79 , with Kaspersky Password Manager extension v5.0.0.23 disabled, tested 2 Kaspersky sites, requiring login & one other site, also requiring login:

Kaspersky Facebook, no KPM Key showing, successful input of data & login. 

Kaspersky Club, no KPM Key showing, successful input of data & login. 

LinkedIn, no KPM Key showing, successful input of data & login. 

  • I’d really like to help, however, for that outcome, I need to understand the issue, atm, I dont. 

Thank you. 

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