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Teenagers and Kaspersky Safe Kids


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My 16yo son is extremely knowledgeable with tech and I am concerned that Safe Kids will not help me reduce his internet access. I simply want to have a time limit (total) applied to his devices. Will he be able to delete the software, set up a VPN or some other trick to get around the abilities of this program?

Seeking tech knowledge about this app not parenting advice prior to purchasing.


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Hello @DumDeeDah

Thank you for the information👌

  1. Install KSK Premium Trial, test everything before investing.
  2. Re “time limit (total) applied to all his devices”, is not available, even if those devices were the same operating system. 
  3. KSK, iOS has limitations → read everything about the KSK iOS solution before investing. 
  4. Re “Will he be able to delete the software?”, if by that you mean KSK, installed in Windows, he should not be able to, but, given what you’ve told us about your son🤓 , it could be → anything is possible, theoretically, he should not be able to, unless he has your MyKaspersky account password & if you’re not using 2FA, we recommend you do so. 
  5. Uninstalling other applications, not if they’re blocked in KSK, however, if they’re blocked, he won’t be able to use them, if the apps are restricted, he could delete them during hours where he has permission to use them. 
  6. VPNs, interesting, as above, also, some browsers come with VPN, to manage that, block all browsers, except Chrome (Google), and monitor.
  7. Kaspersky adds a “proviso” to pretty much everything, similar to “no product software is 100% guaranteed.
  8. If we were setting up KSK for this situation, to start, we block access to the following Application categories:
  • Browsers, refer above, create an Allow exclusion for Chrome.
  • FTP software.
  • File sharing.
  • Software downloaders: for downloading or sharing data, including torrent clients, e.g. BitTorrent.
  • Unknown - very important, everything in this category, KSK does not manage, so carefully check any apps you determine are potentially a problem, block them or block the actual category.

Hopefully, we’ve not contaminated our reply with any “parenting advice”, perish the thought😉

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋 

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Thank you for your detailed response with some great advice and I will use the trial first as you suggest.

I apprecaite that your repsonse is devoid of any parental advice such as wonderful and useful absurdities like ‘just tell him not to delete it’.😆😂  

Have a great day and thanks for taking the time to respond.


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Hello @DumDeeDah, Dee, 

You’re most welcome☺ !

That particular piece of “advice” is very similar to something, one of the Kaspersky Team “shared” with us, for applications continuing to run, on a blocked device, they said:


the child needs to request permission from the parents to perform the required steps to close the specific application which is active in the background or the parents are able to perform it as well”.


We’re still grinding our teeth😖

Good luck with KSK & your genius son, maybe one day he’ll fund your early retirement😉

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋 

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