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Strange hostname

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Hi, I noticed that one client has been removed from Managed Clients. I found it within Unassigned devices but it has been duplicated and there were two clients with the same hostname. One with the proper hostname but offline and one with a strange hostname and online. Could you explain the reason? I've found others clients within unassigend devices: is there a rule to move out clients to unassigned devices after xx inactivity time or status? Thanks in advance
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I also observe that when there are devices with the same name. Kaspersky adds those characters to differentiate it I think. maybe the original computer was broken, and the new computer with the same configuration and name was added, but the original computer was not removed from Kaspersky Security Center Regards
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  • 4 weeks later...
Yes we can learn from the support article that some changes (network adapter change, presence of hosts with the same names in different domains, among others) can cause this. The question is what we can do to avoid this in the real world -- where, for example, ugly vpn clients are being used, modifying visible host domains, or developers running lots of dockers on their machines with different technology? There is some machineId (that is being reset by the "dupfix" option of klmover). Can we have a patch/checkbox like "dear klnagent, keep machine id, do not play with it in spite of all the networking changes"? I have tens of laptops in my 100+ network exhibiting such problems from time to time...
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