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Strange CoreSync Application, prevents shutdown?


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Hi, I am a Kaspersky Internet Security user, I have Adobe Creative Cloud installed on my computer and I think CoreSync is a part of their software but everytime I try to shutdown computer, a strange C++ class name like application is preventing the shutdown. here is the screenshot: https://ibb.co/m0ypQ6N Do you think it may be a harmful application disguising itself as adobe coresync?
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I am a KIS user, I have Adobe Creative Cloud installed on my computer and I think CoreSync is a part of their software but everytime I try to shutdown computer, a strange C++ class name like application is preventing the shutdown. Do you think it may be a harmful application disguising itself as adobe coresync?
Hello ergin, Please tell us:
  1. Has the problem just started or has it always happened?
  2. Adobe Creative Cloud version?
  3. Operating system name? version? build?
  4. KIS: Free? or Licensed? (see note at end of my reply), version ? patch(x)? x=letter
  1. Are KIS databases up to date and updating automatically?
  2. Have you run KIS manual FULL scan with no other applications or activity while the scan runs?
  3. Are there any events (Adobe / CoreSync) in KIS Reports?
  4. Are there any (Adobe / CoreSync) in Windows Event logs?
  5. Have you uninstalled Adobe Creative Cloud, shutdown using Full shutdown method.
  6. Restarted system, logged in, activated KIS.
  7. Downloaded and reinstalled Adobe Creative Cloud , shutdown system using Full shutdown method.
  8. Restarted system, logged in, activated KIS.
  9. Checked Task Manager, what Adobe Creative Cloud processes are active?
  10. Rechecked shutting down system, does CoreSync popup repeat?
Please let us know? Thank you:pray_tone3: CoreSync Note: Kaspersky free software has (config) limitations, advertising & no Technical Support. If we know this, we ensure we never waste your time, advising you, e.g. "contact Technical Support".
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Thanks Flood, problem started recently, Adobe Cretive Cloud is windows 10 1903 18362.295 KIS and Creative Cloud licensed of course, KIS (g) I ran a full scan, no threat found. Logs are clean. After Uninstalling Creative Cloud, strange app is gone, but after reinstall it appeared again, so I guess its definitely Adobe App, I think I need to report it to Adobe, that one of their app with a strange and long name is preveting shutdown. Thanks.
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After Uninstalling Creative Cloud, strange app is gone, but after reinstall it appeared again, so I guess its definitely Adobe App, I think I need to report it to Adobe, that one of their app with a strange and long name is preventing shutdown.
Hello ergin, Thanks for posting back:pray_tone3:. I agree, definitely check with Adobe Tech Support. From what I can see, this is a known (to Adobe) issue. I would not recommend creating an exclusion for CoreSync Please keep us updated? Best regards.
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