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Some PCs cannot access the file server for a few minutes

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Hello, I'm facing a problem that started about mid-november.

When a user tries to open or save a file that is in a network folder, it fails as when the network resource is no longer reachable. In fact at that moment the file server is inaccessible but only for that pc.

This interruption lasts about 3 minutes and then everything starts working again as before. It can happen 1/2/3 times a day.

These PCs are different models with different network card.

The file server has KS for server with Critical Fix Core1+CF11+CF12+CF13 (Anti-Cryptor is on).

Clients have KES 11.1 and 11.2.

I don't want to say it's a KS 10 for server issue but do you have any advice for me? I seemed to remember an article on the Kaspersky support site relating to a problem with the Anti-Cryptor but I can't find it.

no one else is having this problem?


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