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Some of my favorite website can not access after install Kas Internet Security

David Hader

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Hello @David Hader,


Hiding the website makes it harder for us to help you?, nevertheless, do the following:

Use Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal, to scan the website, when the result shows, select Submit to reanalyze, fill in the pop-up window with: (your) email address & as much detail as possible, select Submit; the URL will be sent to Kaspersky's Virus Lab & you should receive a response in due course. 

The alternative is: log a case with support, select either Chat or Email, select Malware, False Positive template, ask support to send the case to Virus Lab for them to determine if it’s a False positive; include the *SAVED* report from the Kaspersky software. 

  • Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 

Thank you?


False detections by Kaspersky products. What to do?

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
added resource
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