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SMTP problem with Kaspersky Free, the recipient receive my mail, 30 times [Outlook]


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Next from: https://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?/topic/408520-smtp-problem-with-kaspersky-free-the-recipient-receive-my-mail-30-times-outlook/ Always same problem, and when I uninstall Kaspersky, it's work well. No problem with Avast. So?
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Hello Fred, Welcome! Please tell us:
  1. Operating system, edition, version, build?
  2. KAV version, patch?
  3. Outlook version?
  4. Do you have any other Kaspersky software installed?
  5. If "yes", please provide name, version, patch?
  6. Is Avast installed at the same time as Kaspersky?
  7. Is Outlook accessed via installed application?
  8. If "yes", please provide Outlook full name and version?
  9. If "no" please tell us how Outlook is accessed?
  10. Are Kaspersky addons, toolbars installed in Outlook?
  11. If "yes", have you tested the issue with the addons/toolbars disabled?
  12. How is Outlook configured: protocol and port information?
  13. Is every email sent from Outlook replicated x30?
  14. Does the issue happen 24x7?
  15. Have you uninstalled Outlook, reinstalled Outlook?
  16. If "yes", please let us know the procedure you used?
  17. When the issue happens have you captured any Outlook logs, Kaspersky logs?
May we have a full GSI & Windows logs, please upload the full .zip to cloud storage of your choice and post back the link along with answers to 1. to 17. GSI reference doco: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 Thanks.
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  1. Operating system, edition, version, build?
Windows 7 Pro, Windows 10 Pro x64
  1. KAV version, patch?
Kaspersky Free (unintalled to work)
  1. Outlook version?
Outlook 2016
  1. Do you have any other Kaspersky software installed?
Kaspersky Secure Connection
  1. If "yes", please provide name, version, patch?
  1. Is Avast installed at the same time as Kaspersky?
  1. Is Outlook accessed via installed application?
Yes, Outlook 2016
  1. If "yes", please provide Outlook full name and version?
Microsoft Office 2016 Pro Plus
  1. If "no" please tell us how Outlook is accessed?
  1. Are Kaspersky addons, toolbars installed in Outlook?
  1. If "yes", have you tested the issue with the addons/toolbars disabled?
  1. How is Outlook configured: protocol and port information?
  1. Is every email sent from Outlook replicated x30?
No every time, every mails with attachments
  1. Does the issue happen 24x7?
  1. Have you uninstalled Outlook, reinstalled Outlook?
  1. If "yes", please let us know the procedure you used?
Repair / Uninstall and reinstall
  1. When the issue happens have you captured any Outlook logs, Kaspersky logs?
No For GSI & Windows Logs, how I can send you this file not in public. Privates informations. Thanks
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Hello Fred, Thanks for replying and the info. Allow me to clarify please: "Windows 7 Pro, Windows 10 Pro x64" = 2 computers with the issue or 1 computer that was Win 7 & has been upggraded to W10?
  1. W10 version and build please?
  2. Outlook 2016 port configuration please?
  3. Mail send & receive settings:
  4. Send/Receive interval?
  5. Server Timeouts?
  6. Is sent mail retained on the server?
  7. Is the issue only with sent mail with attachments?
  8. Does every mail with an attachment generate duplications x 30?
  9. Have you deleted and recreated the email account?
  10. Have you tested the issue with another email account?
  11. Have you tested the issue with Windows in safe mode?
  12. Has your router had a factory reset?
  13. Has the issue always happened or began at a particular time?
  14. At the time the issue began were there any hardware, software, network changes at all in the 48 hours preceeding the issue happening?
  15. If "yes" what changes?
  16. Is your mail synced with any other devices, accounts?
  17. What is the status of KSC/VPN when the issue occurs?
  18. How often does the issue occur?
Please let us know & please pm link to me. Many thanks.
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Hello, Allow me to clarify please: "Windows 7 Pro, Windows 10 Pro x64" = 2 computers with the issue or 1 computer that was Win 7 & has been upggraded to W10? Simply, on many compagnies where I installed combo kaspersky/outlook, I must uninstall Kaspersky to work and don't have this issue, no matter version of Windows 10/7 etc. And each times there have attachment. This week I replaced 7 times kaspersky by avast and issue disappears each time.
  1. W10 version and build please?
  1. Outlook 2016 port configuration please?
587 smtp
  1. Mail send & receive settings:
imap 443 or 993
  1. Send/Receive interval?
On demand to send, 15 minutes to receive
  1. Server Timeouts?
  1. Is sent mail retained on the server?
Stay on outbox in local outlook data file
  1. Is the issue only with sent mail with attachments?
  1. Does every mail with an attachment generate duplications x 30?
No all, but almost, yesterday duplication x199 for big size attachment
  1. Have you deleted and recreated the email account?
Yes same issue
  1. Have you tested the issue with another email account?
Same issue on almost PC where kaspersky/outlook is installed
  1. Have you tested the issue with Windows in safe mode?
  1. Has your router had a factory reset?
No, and I will not do that, on différents sites, same issue and not the same router
  1. Has the issue always happened or began at a particular time?
  1. At the time the issue began were there any hardware, software, network changes at all in the 48 hours preceeding the issue happening?
  1. If "yes" what changes?
  2. Is your mail synced with any other devices, accounts?
Yes mobiles devices, Android iOS, but no problems on mobiles devices
  1. What is the status of KSC/VPN when the issue occurs?
No VPN installed
  1. How often does the issue occur?
Too often when attachment
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