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Setting up HTTPS access for Web Console with wildcard SSL cert

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We've just set up the Web Console to use custom ssl cert. Accesing the web console is now working through HTTPS, but since using the new cert for securing access to the web console, Adding new iOS devices to the MDM server is impossible, because the link contains the downloadable iOS MDM profile sent to phones are not working anymore. Instead of downloading the iOS MDM profile, it just brings up the Web Console login page.

We are using a wildcard ssl cert, and left all of the ports on the default setting.

Reverting the web console to use a self issued cert solves the problem, but then accessing a web console from a browser is not secure.

Any idea, how to solve this?

Your help is appreciated!



Edit: We are using KSC 14.2 

Edited by lajoss
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Hello lajoss,

in most of our Products we don't support wildcard certificates that will be the root cause of the issue why the connection could not be established after changing the Certificate.


Best Regards


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