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Set time limits per child across all devices

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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I want to limit my children to x hours of “gadget” time per day, regardless of which device they use (for those that have more than one). 

In other words: Child X may have 2 hours per day, but I don’t mind if it’s two hours on the tablet and none on the phone or 1 hour on the tablet and 1 on the phone as long as total time is limited to 2 hours.

Is this possible?

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Hello @jgrimm77 & @papabear

Update, after another year of nothing, Kaspersky have closed the request:


Sent: Sunday, 27 June 2021 01:36

Our apologies for the delay with the progress of this case.

We have sent a follow up with our Experts team. Our expert team appreciates the suggestions. However, no ETA has been set to when this suggestion will be implemented. For now, we will proceed to close the case.

end quote. 

We continue to be engaged with Kaspersky on this issue, however (ioo) it’s a futile exercise; (ioo) Kaspersky have shown no interest in improving KSK; they’ve concentrated on window dressing, claiming to have improved the product by removing cobweb → KSK never had cobweb; & changing avatars → how that helps parents they’re unable to explain; the only significant change in the last two years, that’s been of any use to parents & children has been improving Device use time options. 

We also see Community topics where two or three users complain & Kaspersky swings into action, publishing a fix & or a change within 14 days; not so with KSK...

Thank you🙏


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