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Scan result: Corrupted object

Go to solution Solved by richbuff,

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Today my kids used my laptop to copy some colouring pages. When I used the  device later this day, I noticed Kaspersky prevented a few downloads. So the program did its job! I wanted to be 100% sure however, so I did a full scan and Kaspersky didn’t find any threats.


When I opened the detailed log I discovered something that worries me a little. In the log I can see 4 events that say ‘object corrupted’.


Is this something I should worry about?


Thanks in advance for your advice!

Kind regards

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Welcome. The first two items: Please do a Windows Disk Cleanup > Cleanup system files > Windows Update cleanup. This should delete the first two objects. 

The other two items: Those are on your factory restore partition, so you can ignore those. 

None of these are related to any downloads nor related to any web surfing. 

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I can’t explain how this happened, but I did a second full scan after doing the Cleanup and now all the corrupted objects have disappeared. I did reboot the laptop and removed a program that had a lot of password-protected files.


So after the Cleanup, the reboot and the removal of that program my scan report is 100% clean. Thanks for the help, richbuff!


Just one more small question: How do I flag my question as ‘solved’?

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Hello @Rogue

Thank you for taking the time to update us👌

We’re delighted the issue is resolved🤸

To mark you topic as solved, select a reply that you think is the Best answer, you can even select a reply you’ve posted; selecting Best answer will change a topic to Solved

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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