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Samsung, White Screen When Notifications Are Pulled Down


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My kid has a Samsung A51, when notifications are pulled down, screen rotation lock is ignored and puts a white screen in the back over the current screen, under the notification bar. It is very annoying and frustrating when using the phone. 


We are fairly new to having this, just added it to their phone last night and they've been complaining about this issue. Could not find anyway to fix this.

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Hello @Snerd,


We’d like to replicate/test:

  1. When “notifications are pulled down”, what is your child actually doing: using another app, on the web, something else → please provide detail?,
  2. May we have an image of the screen rotation lock settings?
  3. May we have a video of the “ when notifications are pulled down, screen rotation lock is ignored and puts a white screen in the back over the current screen, under the notification bar” issue please? 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

Additional resources:

Read before you create a new topic! by @Danila T. 

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