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Safe Kids: closing browser and other apps between sessions . . .


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When my kids end a PC session, they will return to the login screen using <Windows + L>.  They do this to prevent the timer within Safe Kids from running while they are away from their PC.  When they resume their PC use later, sometimes Safe Kids will have closed their browser and other apps.  However, Safe Kids isn’t doing this in a repeatable manner.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?  Ideally, when they resume their PC use, their session resumes exactly as it was as the end of their previous session.

(I have one theory: does Safe Kids behave differently in these two scenarios?  (1) The kids are 1 min. away from their daily limit and the kids proactively logoff before time runs out?  (2) The kids stay on until the very last minute and let Safe Kids forcibly log them off?)

Thanks in advance for any help!


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 Hello @GreyKestrel, Paul, 


(1) Regarding “I have one theory”, may we know what the theory is? 


(2) The kids are 1 min. away from their daily limit & proactively logoff before time runs out?”  

(3)The kids stay on until the very last minute and let Safe Kids forcibly log them off?”

Neither involve W+L, so, we’re a tad confused, please clarify? 

  • For background, there’s an outstanding issue, that’s been with KSK developers for a long time, apps continuing to run, after KSK device use time has expired, however, the scenario, using W+L & apps not running when the session is resumed, is different again🤔
  • Currently, we’ve setup a test, time allowed 17min, logged in as child, started Chrome browser & Pet Rescue, device locked using W+L. 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Hello @GreyKestrel, Paul,

Thank you for the clarification👌

  1. If the kids invoke W+L, “1 minute before the time expires ”, they will still have 1 minute available, that being the case, KSK should not & will not be closing any apps. 
  2. Re “ when Safe Kids forcibly logs them off, it also closes apps ”, if the time has expired & for KSK to log them off, it must have, that’s how KSK should work, however, as per our original reply, there’s an outstanding issue, where this has not been happening; 
  3. From our 17min test, at 1 minute remaining, we’ve W+L the session 3 times, at each subsequent login, the apps are still active (this is how it should be) & the clock says 1 minute remaining. 
  4. For KSK to forcibly log us off, W+L cannot be invoked, otherwise, KSK cannot forcibly log us off, because the time has not expired. 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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