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Safe Kids- can I block my kid's access to certain apps during online school time?


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Is it possible to block certain apps during specific hours?  I would like to block my kid's access to certain video game apps during the hours he supposed to be doing online school.  He needs access to web browser, school app, other websites, but I’d like him to have access to video games only between certain hours-- within his allotted time.  

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Hello @hpadgette,


Unfortunately no. 

  • It’s possible to specify how many hours a day the child can use an application, not when



The issue has previously been escalated to the Kaspersky (Safe Kids) developers, it’s been with them for a long time, there’s been no progress. 

Thank you🙏


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Hi. Is there any possibility to block certain websites for kids through safe kids in kaspersky? Through Safe kids - Internet - Settings I added the website i want to block in exclusions with forbidden mark but the site had not blocked by doing this.  I do not want to add certain websites in exclusion and Block all websites apart from exclusions. Only want to block couple of websites. Please help me. Thank you in advance. 

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I would like to request the same feature as @hpadgette ask, it is features that im really needed for my kids during the school from home (on windows pc), which wish the kaspersky safe kids able to do:

1. Scheduling by each apps (to set forbidden, allowed or limit time)

2. Scheduling by each certain website address (to set forbidden, allowed or limit time)

Currently I need to change certain apps and certain website permission manually, everyday 2 times (before and after school). So really this schedule for automate set status for specific apps and website, are something im looking forward to.

Another question is, why if i blocked "google.com", my kid cant view video which in "drive.google.com", even the "drive.google.com" is permitted. The video only able to view when "google.com" is permitted also. 

Please kindly advise, thank you


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Hello @D2h

🅰 At the moment for apps, Kaspersky Safe Kids (KSK) can be configured to:

  1. Allow, Block or Limit → amount of time, not by time schedule. 
  2. Allow or Block web activity, it is not possible to time limit or time schedule web activity. 

🅱 Regarding the google questions: 

  1. How is your son accessing “drive.google.com”
  2. Which browser is used? 
  3. May we know your son’s age please? 

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏


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Hi @FLOOD thank you for the prompt reply. 

My son is 10 years old, on his windows 10 laptop he uses chrome as web browser. 

His school activity is open the managebac.com (the platform that used by the school), then for the prerecorded video lesson normally the school share the video by google drive link. Where when it clicked will go to the shared video file such as mp4 format (in google drive)

drive.google.com/file/....... mp4

and will play in the chrome browser.

But even i set premit to "drive.google.com", I also need to give permit to"google.com" otherwise the video will not able to load on screen (just like keep on loading, never finish). I want to block the google search engine, so my son not googling anything during school, but I still need to give access to the drive.google.com for the prerecorded lesson video

Does it need to give permit both, because drive.google.com is a sub domain of google.com?

Please kindly advise, thank you

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Hello @D2h

You’re most welcome☺ !

  1. Chrome is the KSK recommended browser. 
  2. It’s not possible to Block google.com and at the same time Allow drive.google.com for exactly the reason you’ve answered. 
  3. Re Android 4.4 - yes, we have KSK installed & working fine on Android KitKat, however, recently, Kaspersky withdrew support for another Kaspersky product from the Home user range, so, it’s worth keeping in mind they may, at some stage, do the same for KSK🤔

Please post back if there’s any more questions?

Thank you🙏



Android, install KSK 

Configure KSK for your child

Configure KSK for use by a parent

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Hello @Bolor,


Please tell us: 

  1. The URLs of the sites  you wish to block and have applied blocks for that have not worked?
  2. Which device & version does your child use, Windows, Android, MAC, iOS?
  3. Your child’s age please? 

Please post back?

Thank you🙏


Hello Flood,

My sons are 8 and 12. While doing their online classes they are playing online games through www.friv.com. I’d like to block this website. We use desktop computer Ienovo (Windows). We use chrome as web browser. 

Thank you. 

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Hello Flood, My sons are 8 and 12. I’d like to block www.friv.com., Desktop (Windows), Chrome. 

Hello @Bolor

Thank you for the information. 

We’ve tested, using a profile based on your youngest son’s age = 8yrs old; we’re not able to replicate the issue

  1. KSK version & patch 
  3. Friv before applying Block. 
  4. Specific Block of friv & comparison site itv. 
  5. Friv blocked by KSK. 
  6. KSK Summary Report. 








Please do the following:

1 Confirm KSK is latest version and patch - image 1 above

2 Clear & reset Chrome browser → image 1 below

3 Run Windows in SafeMode → image 2

4 Delete all files in: 

C:\Windows\Temp → image 3

C:\Users\YOURNAME-YOURCHILDSNAME\AppData\Local\Temp (no image) 

5 Return to Normal mode 

6 Confirm KSK Friv Block is applied correctly → image 4






  • Recheck issue, if it persists, log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support, follow template in image 5 above, include a detailed history of all steps taken to resolve, images of KSK friv Block & Summary Report showing friv has been accessed, GSI & Windows Logs, Support may request Traces, they will guide you to collect these. 
  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.

Kindly share the outcome with the Community when it’s available? 

Thank you🙏


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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to add that this feature would be particularly helpful. 

Now that kids are schooling from home I am running into the exact same problem and it is quite frustrating.

I find that I have to manually go in and re-disable game apps and re-enable them again on the afternoons they get to have game time.

This is extremely frustrating. 

Since homeschooling is now quite prevalent I really hope that Kaspersky will look into adding this capability as I am sure many other parents are struggling with this now.

Thanks! Otherwise I really appreciate this product.

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Hello @SST,


Unfortunately, the Kaspersky developers have not been at all helpful with this issue. This is what they say:


In Safe Kids application, device usage time considered as main restriction, which means that "stop him from being able to play games later in the day" scenario requires adding additional time for device usage, since playing games always "requires" using device.

We (Kaspersky) don't think that "available on blocked device = allowed" logic is correct. Overall idea there is to teach kid with time management basics (he has limited time to use device during the day, and he needs to manage it accordingly). Having possibility to use device out of configured intervals breaks this idea.


Please share your comments? 

Thank you🙏


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That response is completely unaware of what parents are going through right now with covid/home based schooling.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is right now to be able to keep kids from the ability to use games etc during school hours. After school hours that changes right?

Do the developers have kids?

My wife is Russian and from what I have seen on the tv I think that schools are running in Russia. But that is not the case in much of the world where Kaspersky sells this product. As a result of the last year also many more families will continue home schooling even after restrictions are over.

Time for the devs to get with the times ;)

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  • 1 month later...

If Kaspersky cant get their crap together and create a category of apps which can be restricted based on time of day and daily usage, then provide a suggestion of an app that does this and a refund of the subscription fee.

Hello @jonny_rotten


The following are the updated responses from the Kaspersky Technical experts:


September 2020

“In Safe Kids application, device usage time considered as main restriction, which means that "stop him from being able to play games later in the day" scenario requires adding additional time for device usage, since playing games always "requires" using device.

We don't think that "available on blocked device = allowed" logic is correct. Overall idea there is to teach kid with time management basics (he has limited time to use device during the day, and he needs to manage it accordingly). Having possibility to use device out of configured intervals breaks this idea.”

October 2020

“When the device is blocked due to a device time limit, the selected apps will still be available according to the specific application settings. Usage information of the selected apps will be displayed in the application usage reports but will not affect the device usage reports.

>> How is "available on blocked device" supposed to function if it is measured during any configured device time period?

The applications that can be used while the device is blocked are added to the list of exclusions. The time limitations that you specify for these applications are still effective. The child cannot use the applications longer than, or during blocked hours, from those that you specify.

In other words, there's a priority between the configured settings:
If downtime settings for device are set, they have higher priority and override "available on blocked device" setting during blocked hours.
If application reached its limit according to specified settings, it will be no longer "available on blocked device"

October 2020

Please be advised that a bug request has been registered on this issue and it is being worked by our experts”. 


  • Unfortunately, the Community cannot issue a refund, please follow: How to request a refund for a Kaspersky application - on the Support for home products page, select your location, then select Application use, then select from the options available: Online Chat (not available all locations), Phone (not available all locations), Submit a request, via your MyKaspersky account, ➡ make sure the Support agent provides an incident request reference number
  • Unfortunately, we cannot provide alternative software suggestions, if we were to do so, we’d ‘apparently” breach Community rules, end result, we’d get kicked in the head, we’d again be the recipients of oppressive, threatening “concern” messages; been there, done that, not worth the grief. 

Thank you🙏


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All of us are struggling with home schooling difficulties that this adjustment to Kaspersky kids could help.
The developers like in a country where schools continue to operate and it seems they have not yet understood the critical need out there.


I highly recommend that everyone send in a request to add these features as an official support request. That is the way for them to see the real need for this feature set.

Talking about it here won’t be nearly as effective as bringing it straight to them in a ticket.


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If Kapersky cant get their crap together and create a category of apps which can be restricted based on time of day and daily usage, then provide a suggestion of an app that does this and a refund of the subscription fee.


I agree their attitude toward this is quite frustrating. If another app is identified with this functionality I certainly will end my use of Kaspersky (I have the entire suite on all my family computers).

I am sure other family apps are working hard to upgrade their features as the market is growing fast. If anyone knows of an app that can do this let us know :)

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If Kapersky cant get their crap together and create a category of apps which can be restricted based on time of day and daily usage, then provide a suggestion of an app that does this and a refund of the subscription fee.


I agree their attitude toward this is quite frustrating. If another app is identified with this functionality I certainly will end my use of Kaspersky (I have the entire suite on all my family computers).

I am sure other family apps are working hard to upgrade their features as the market is growing fast. If anyone knows of an app that can do this let us know :)


With home schooling in full effect, none of us have the luxury of adding the joy of creating an email campaign to Krapersky so we can get a feature which should be there in the first place. I’ve basically lost my mind at this point and will be checking the obvious suspects: netnany and norton.

I would assume the ‘developers’ dont have kids or at least not the problem of containing video gaming as the world melts down. People have lost patience  and move towards direct action to solve problems.

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Hello @hpadgette, @Bolor, @D2h, @SST, @jonny_rotten

Kaspersky heavily relies on cases logged, we’ve frequently had them tell us, “as you’re the only parents requesting this, it’s not a “popular” request”, that’s despite the fact there’s dozens of comments, in their forums for the same / similar features. 

To your request, we also recommend including Application category - time management, time scheduling → across all platforms

  • In your MyKaspersky account, fill in the FeedbackI have a complaint template, include:
  1.  A detailed history
  2. What caused the problem?
  3. Did you try to solve the problem? How?
  4. Why is the change/feature required?
  5. How would it help parents?
  6. How would it help children? 
  7. Text from an error message? Screen shot? Video?
  8. Community topic URL?



  • After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will be in touch, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.
  • Note: the process may take a very long time, each request is measured against many benchmarks and not all requests are successful. 
  • When feedback from the Kaspersky Technical Team is available, please share it here in the Kaspersky Community? 

Thank you🙏


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  • 3 months later...


I don’t understand devs approach to the problem: during current, pandemic times, blocking particular apps on schedule (especially during homeschooling) is way more useful and much important for parents thank ruling based on usage time. That’s wrong approach showing us, that designers/developers of KSK probably haven’t kids and working on their experiences from “adult” software. I can say even more: restrictions FOR KIDS based on usage time is almost completely useless, counterproductive and frustrating. 

Please, please, we are really need blocking apps and webpages based on daytime scheduling :)

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Hello @Blindfury


Agreed, while we don’t actually know how many KSK Developers have “real” children, sadly, we’ve often come to same the conclusions.

The change you’ve identified is so essential, it’s incomprehensible that it has not been processed. 

Please log a Feedback, I have a complaint request, with Kaspersky Technical Support, follow the template we provided above; the more cases that are formally logged, the greater the possibility of improving KSK, so it actually works for real world parents, with real world children. 

& please, when Kaspersky Technical Support respond, share the outcome with the Community? 

Thank you🙏


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The solution to work around this problem was to set up two Windows accounts. The work one had games etc all blocked and few time restrictions. The play account allowed much more, but the time when it could be used was controlled. 

Not ideal, but the best compromise that didn't involve constant adjustments. 

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