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Safe Kids Browser Gone

Go to solution Solved by afunk,

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  1. Version of your operating system: iOS 16.2
  2. Name and version number of the Kaspersky application: Kaspersky Safe Kids
  3. Explain in details the nature of your problem: I have been using Safe Kids on my children's iPhones for several years. I have 2 kids with 2 phones. One one device the Safe Kids Browser is gone and now when opening the Safe Kids app it shows a screen that says "Hi Name!" with a picture of a Rabbit and 3 boxes that say "Time on this device" "Unlimited" and "Parents' Replies". There is a button on the bottom that goes to an about page. I have deleted and reinstalled the app on this phone and it remains the same with no browser available. During the re-installation I allowed all permissions and accepted everything. I can see no way to browse the internet any longer on this device. On my other child's iPhone the app is working as it always has but this device has not been updated recently and is version Does this service no longer work for restricting access to certain websites? Is there something I'm missing to enable the Safe Kids Browser? I appreciate any help fixing this issue.
Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @afunk


Has: How to set up Kaspersky Safe Kids using the Screen Time API after updating to version 1.87.0.XXX been followed? 

Perhaps this will help? 

If it doesn't, & if KSK is licensed, not free, please log a request with Kaspersky support, so a dedicated resource can be allocated to look at it. On the support page: https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts, select either Chat or Email, then fill in Application malfunction, Other template; please include any screen images of the error & a detailed history. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you. 

  • Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 

Thank you?

  • Solution

So it sounds like we are now supposed to use Safari browser. Previously, that was blocked and the instructions said to only use the Safe Kids built in browser. My searching in the Kaspersky support section didn't reveal any help articles stating that as of a certain version that the built in browser was removed. Hopefully this post will help others experiencing the same issue. Thank you for your reply.

  • Like 3

Thanks for this.  I was having the same problem and the support staff were completely clueless as to what I was asking or how to use the app.  They offered to send me a guide on how to install the app but had no clue how kids were supposed to use the internet.  Now the only answer that I find is from another user who figured it out themself.

  • Haha 1
Flood and Flood's wife
Posted (edited)
On 2/14/2023 at 3:27 AM, afunk said:
  1. So it sounds like we are now supposed to use Safari browser.
  2. Instructions said to only use the Safe Kids built in browser. 

My searching in the Kaspersky support section didn't reveal any help articles stating that as of a certain version that the built in browser was removed. Hopefully this post will help others experiencing the same issue. Thank you for your reply.

Hello @afunk

You're most welcome!

  1. We're not sure why you think "So it sounds like we are now supposed to use Safari browser." || Kaspersky Safe Kids cannot block Safari on a child’s iOS devices. That doesn't mean Safari should be used, in fact, it says very clearly "Your child must use Kaspersky Safe Kids app instead of Safari to surf the Internet..."
  2. KSK, iOS documentation still advises: "On your child's iOS devices, your child can see the warning only when using Safe Browser. Warnings are not displayed in other browsers."

Thank you?


Configure the app for your child

Monitor Internet use

Edited by Flood and Flood's wife
Added resources
Flood and Flood's wife
2 hours ago, DadGuy said:

Now the only answer that I find is from another user who figured it out themself.

Hello @DadGuy,

Welcome & FYI: 

The Community is composed of users of the Kaspersky software - just like you, all of whom volunteer their time freely, to help other members of the Community - just like you. There is a small team of Kaspersky employees, all of whom are clearly identifiable, bc, their profile shows "Kaspersky Lab employee". For the most part, and according to our observations, volunteers are dedicated to providing technical analysis to address technical issues.

Thank you?

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello @DadGuy @afunk,

I can relates to your frustration. I also faced the same issue and I am pretty much sure that Kaspersky screwed up v1.87.xxx for Safekids IOS. Past version don't have such issue. It all started with 1.87.xxx back in February last month when it was released. My son passed to me his device asking why can't surf the web on SafeKids. All we see is the rabbit screen! I have been in touched with the support team (even the 2nd level escalation team) and boy... they are pretty much like bot. Clueless to what we faced. Just keep on forwarding me the same guide (https://support.kaspersky.com/KSK/Mob1.0-iOSTR87-AndroidTR88/en-US/95625.htm). I have repeatedly said it's not working. I pretty much have redo the setup and installation like over 10 times now. Still the same stupid rabbit screen appears. I can also say the support teams have no alignment or tracking log among themselves. All just giving different but pretty much the same responses. I even entertain their request to install their Testflight apps just to get the logs and screenshots they need but the end results, still the same, pointing me back to the stupid guide (https://support.kaspersky.com/KSK/Mob1.0-iOSTR87-AndroidTR88/en-US/95625.htm) again and again. I really feel they are bringing me around in a circle. Last two updates, they at last admit Safekids screwed up and said Safe Browsing option no longer works on Safekids (see below). Ironically, after stating the Safe Browsing no longer work, they still put in the stupid same guide again... 


Next is even more fantastic. After received their reply on the No Safe Browsing admission, I asked if cannot work, means I have to use Safari now and whether Safekids policy/restriction still work with Safari. Guess what's they reply...?? 

"No, your can't use Safari since Safekids doesn't work with it. You have to use Safekids to protect your kids..." 

Hello!!! (sorry for my sarcasm here) Did you remember saying Safe Browsing no longer work?? if no longer work, how the hell can I use Safekids to surf the net??? You see why I am saying these guys are really like BOTs! I am super super frustrating now that I really want to throw Safekids for IOS out of my window. Sorry again for my strong sentences here.

I just pity my kids for not able to surf the net on their iPad/iPhone now. For now, I ask them to use the desktop for now until this whole issues are resolved. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Interesting...i reinstalled app a million times thinking I was missing a step. I guess the new IOS is blocking the kid safe device management. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.. until then I'll disable safari the safari app.

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