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Safe kids blocks google meet activity


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Configured the laptop (Win 10+Chrome)  of a son to block many game websites, video websites and so on to avoid his use during home base school, excluded blocks for  google meet or Microsoft teams  for Home school; he can partecipate to home lessons with Google Meet, but when asked to acces to an activity inside it, no possibility to access. 

At that time I tried to disable the blocks with no success. He lost the test (so a bad result at school), only way has been to completely remove the laptop from the monitored devices and restart the laptop. So now no more parental control.

Any suggestion?




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Google Meet, unable to to access to an activity inside GM.  No possibility to access. 


Hello @DaniP 

We'd like to test to see if we can replicate the issue, please share with us:

  1. Windows 10, Operating system version → in Windows Search🔎 field, type   winver   → press enter, a small popup shows the required information? 
  2. KSK version & patch(x) → on the Windows taskbar or hidden icons, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About
  3. A full screen image of what your child sees when accessing "activity inside Google Meet" working & accessing "activity inside Google Meet" not working?
  4. Are the Google Meet activities, behind a school firewall?  
  5. In KSK, Web activity monitoring, have Allow exclusions been added for https://jamboard.google.com/; https://apps.google.com/ & https://meet.google.com/ ? 
  6. With KSK on, are Google Meet activities, from your son’s computer to another computer or other device, (at home or a friend, i.e. GM activities, outside of the school environment) accessible?
  7. Which browser is being used for the GM sessions? 
  8. Child’s birth year? 
  9. Is KSK Premium or Free? 

Please let us know? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

Additional Resource:

(Please) Read before you create a new topic, tutorial by @Danila T. 

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