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I have almost 100 clients and try to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 12 remotely, When I run the remote installation task. Task return error that Admin$ not access .........

How can I solve the issue. I know the uncheck the Simple file share option from the client machines, but it's very difficult to go every machine and uncheck this option. How can we run the riprep utility remotely from Kaspersky Security center to disable the Admin$ on client machines.



Edited by Ali
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Good day

I will assume that you have just installed KSC (have not worked with the product before) and have not installed protection on client devices yet. I also assume that you have all the necessary installation packages and they are the latest version - KSC 14.0, KES 12.0.


I will try to explain step by step

1. To connect a client device to the server for further protection, you need to install two applications:

- Kaspersky Network Agent 14 - communicates between the server and end device.

- Kaspersky endpoint security 12.0 - directly protector of endpoints.




2. Initially, to install Kaspersky Network Agent 14, you will need a local administrator account of the device on which the installation is being performed, if the device is in a domain, then you can use a domain administrator account or a user who is a member of the local administrators group on all devices.

therefore, you need to add the details of this account in the settings of the remote installation task. if you have multiple device groups managed by different administrators with different credentials, you can list them all (one by one).



during installation, the system will rewrite the entries in order until one is suitable for access to the administrator's network folder (Admin$), after which copying and installation of the program will begin.

after the Kaspersky Network Agent is installed on the device and it successfully connects to the server, you can see it in the "managed devices" group (the fastest), because when creating a task, the system will ask you where to transfer the devices after installing the agent .

also, after the Kaspersky Network Agent is installed, all other installations of other products will be performed by default on its behalf and you will not need local administrator rights.

To do this, in EVERY remote installation task there is a corresponding item.



and if the first point is not executed (there is no network administration agent on the end device), then the system will try to execute the task on behalf of the admin (if we set it, of course, as in the previous point) ... or an error will result if it cannot access the Admin folder $ as in your cases.


after the Kaspersky Network Agent is installed, try installing KES 12.0 ... considering all of the above.



Edited by ElvinE5
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