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Real time vulnerability report [MOVED]

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I am trying to generate a real time report on the vulnerability and threats of our managed devices.
The reports that are generated always include all the old vulnerabilities that have been picked up since we started using the solution even though those vulnerabilities have been manually patched.
We are using the Kaspersky endpoint security cloud (11.6.0)and most of our users are on Windows 10 devices and a few on MacBooks.


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Hello Ing.

Please Run  “Find Vulnerabilities and Required Updates” task and Run this task on All Managed Devices before generating the Report.  If you are missing this task, See steps below:


From KSC >Managed Devices > Tasks Tab.

-Click “New Task”,

-Task Wizard will start.

-Expand “Advanced” option from “Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server”

-Select “Find Vulnerabilities and required updates”

-  Proceed through the Wizard by using the Next button until Finish than Run the task.


Best Regards,

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Hi Kinnari,


As you can see, I have got the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud and do not have the options that you have mentioned. Any ideas how I can do it on this dashboard?

Thanks in advance.


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