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Problems with websit links, generator.html (1x1) and a black page.

Go to solution Solved by Berny,

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Hello @JoBl


  • Yes, the issue is still active.
  • Yes the issue was replicated. 
  • Traces were provided for the tga issue. 
  1. Please provide the names of sites & options taken in the sites?
  2. Include Operating system name & version
  3. Kaspersky software name, version & patch(x)?

Please post back?

Thank you🙏


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hi @FLOOD, thank you for your response.

After I found how to switch off Private Browsing for affected sites, I was doing that a fair bit and of course, now that I want to have the black screen happen, I’m not getting it! I have been trying lots of links from the news.com.au site, which is where it mainly occurred, and none is now cooperating. I must have switched off PB on quite a few of them.

I know that some of them were links to taste.com.au recipes, which is probably no help to you.

The O.S. is MS Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 Build 7601.

I have not applied updates to my version of Windows for 2-3 years as at that time I was getting an issue just at the end of the update install, where it just rolled everything back. After much searching and retrying, I gave up. So maybe it’s cos of that? I know that I could not use all of Kaspersky’s features because of that.

My Kaspersky software is Kaspersky Internet Security version (i)




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Hello @JoBl

Thank you for posting back & the important information👏

  • In my tests, the “news.com.au”  generator.html (1x1) black page, was due to news.com.au redirects to a Subscription paywall, I’ll replicate later today & post a video.
  • The “taste.com.au” is important, because @Kezra had the same issue “generator.html (1x1) solved by KIS 19 reports?” with the “taste.com.au” site. 
  • Don’t worry if you’re unable to replicate atm, if it does recur, please enable Traces, replicate the issue & please update your post with the site name & the links selected, in the interim, we’ll test again & add the findings here. 
  • To collect Traces, open KIS application, in the lower left hand corner, select Headset🎧 icon, in Support window select Support Tools🔧 , in Support Tools window, select Enable Traces (image 1), replicate the issue, return to Support Tools window, select the 🔲 button to Disable Traces (image 2), select Send Report to Technical Support (image 2), in the (image 3Send Report window tick ✔Operating system information & tick✔Data received for analysis, select Save Report on your computer, a Save as Window will automatically open, name the file Traces (1x1) black, a Traces zip folder will be created, this data will be required by Kaspersky Technical Support. 




  • NB: the goal is to capture the issue as quickly as possible so Traces do not run for long periods of time, Trace logs can be big, so the quicker the process is done the more manageable the logs. 
  • It’s worth doing the Traces steps just (for fun😉 ), to be familiar with the process, then when they’re needed, you’ll already be an expert👌
  • Re Windows, it’s important to apply whatever Updates are available, if there’s a bunch of them, I select 1 or 2 at a time, it’s a bit laborious, but necessary to make sure the Operating system is as up-to-date as possible. 
  •  If you get stuck with anything, please ask, we’re always here to help🙂

Thank you🐳

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Thank you for that. I will study how to do Traces so that I am prepared when it happens again.

Re updating Windows - feel like I have mountain to climb - but I will attempt it again - soon! Thanks for the assistance today.


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hi @FLOOD,

That’s good to hear. I tried delicious.com.au just now and am sorry to report that it was ok, all the way down to a specific recipe selection. I’d always be accessing these sites via an online newspaper site link, when I got the black screen error. It’s possible that this was one of them at some time that I turned PB off for. 

However, when I checked the Kaspersky shield whilst I was on the delicious.com.au site, it looked like PB was on and blocking data collection, with no nasty side affects!



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hi @FLOOD,

Have had the black screen occur when selecting an article from the news.com.au site. The url on the black screen is :


The article on the news.com.au site is headed “Unusual hack makes toilet paper last” ☺ What on earth are they going to suggest?!!!

I have attached the trace log file. Do you want it also sent to Kaspersky from the Send Report screen? If so, what Request Number do I insert?



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Hello @JoBl

Thank you👌 & good work with the Traces👏

  • I’ll crank up my W7 & see if I can replicate on it🤔
  • 1 To log the Support request, open your My.Kaspersky.com account, go to: https://my.kaspersky.com/techsupport#/requests/new
  • 2 Fill in the template as in my image, attach the Traces zip folder, mention in the info, source sites, links taken from the sites, images, all history is good, the more detail the better, also mention the (1x1) black page issues are being investigated by @Igor Kurzin 




  • 3 After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human🕵 will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.
  • 4 Please PM the INC# to @Igor Kurzin.
  • Please  keep us posted with any updates they provide please? 

Thank you🙏


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  • 2 weeks later...

Problems with website links, generator.html (1x1) and a black page: status: This topic has been closed for comments

Hello @JoBl

For some reason the topic you posted in has been closed for comments, so, I was able to get a sample of the generator.html (1x1) black page, when it’s due to subscription/being behind a paywall, see images: in those cases, not a KIS issue





I’ll post the W7 information tomorrow. 

Thank you🙏


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  • 4 months later...

Hello @ips,


  1. Is (Kaspersky) version 21 installed?
  2. Is (1x1) black page happening irrespective of Supported browser: Firefox, Chrome, Edge Chromium? 
  3. If Private browsing is OFF, does the  (1x1) black page error persist?
  4. If Anti-Banner is OFF does the  (1x1) black page error persist?
  5. May we know the site name & links that are generating the error (so we can test) please? 
  6. Please read reference topic Black screen (1x1) issue persists
  7. Please also raise a request to Kaspersky Technical Support, follow the Application malfunction, Other template → see image at the end of our reply, 
  8. Include a full GSI & Windows Logs zip folder. 
  9. Include a detailed history, images, video, all trouble shooting steps.
  10. After submitting the case, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference number, then, normally, within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will communicate with you, also by email, you may continue to engage with the Kaspersky Technical Team via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.

Please let us know the outcome, when the information is available? 

Thank you🙏




@Igor Kurzin, please advise @ips, regarding traces collection so they can add those as well?

Thank you🙏


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