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Problem with emails - Can NOT get rid of: Trojans, DangerousObject, Exploit.MSOffice etc.

Go to solution Solved by Berny,

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Hi Guys,

I have Kaspersky Plus Version (a). In My notification center it found 14 objects. If I click "resolve all" I only get a pop-up with:

Cannot disinfect the deleted object. The only option open to me is: Skip -> RESULT? The resolve function does not resolve anything!

IF I click on the pull-down menu I see as options:  1) Ignore, 2) Add to exclusions, 3) Open containing folder and 4) Learn more.

WHAT IS THIS!??? Where is the DELETE function???!!!! Why can I NOT delete these dangerous files myself manually? I do not want to

disinfect these files, I want them deleted, dead, kaput forever!

Please advise how to proceed, as I do not find a delete function within this Kaspersky Plus software, compared to the good old Internet

security version or anti-virus.

The help of the community is greatly appreciated, as I can not even manage to get hold of Kaspersky directly, which is frankly ridiculous,

as it is their product!



@Mpat ZanakhWelcome

Kaspersky normal procedure is to disinfect and otherwise delete.

What can happen in some scenarios is that at the time of disinfection, the malicious process was already blocked by another operating system process, which means that the file cannot be disinfected and Kaspersky acts to work on its deletion.

Well, I ask that you please check your application's quarantine and also check the reports to assess whether Kaspersky has not already deleted the files automatically (perhaps for this reason the delete button does not appear for you - this is a possibility).

In any case, I recommend that you carry out a complete scan of your device because if objects are detected, they will be automatically processed by Kaspersky.

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Hi Guilhermesene4096, thank you for your reply. I have done again a full 100% scan and now I have gone from

14 objects to 8 issues. 2 X ended up in Quarantine, which I was able to delete. When I click on detail ->

click on resolve again the pop-up comes up: Cannot disinfect the detected object as described above in my

earlier sent message. The only other option I have is to click: skip. From the pull-down menu, I get again the

same options: 1) Ignore, 2) Add to exclusions, 3) Open containing folder and 4) Learn more.

Thus how do I get rid of the message: Protection is of risk ->with 8 issues. Databases etc. are

all up to date. Should I just click "ignore"? How do I know that Kaspersky Plus has deleted these malicious

files? If Kaspersky Plus "thinks" that these files are malicious, why doesn't it delete these files automatically?

In my full scan settings I use: Disinfect, delete if disinfections fails! WHY doesn't Kaspersky Plus delete the

files, if I instruct the program to delete the file(s) IF disinfection fails?????? What else can I do?


1 Home screen.jpg

2 Notification center.jpg

3 Scan screen.jpg

4 Full scan settings.jpg

5 Quarantine-screen.jpg

Posted (edited)

@Mpat Zanakh 

Thank you for your response!

Well, in the second screenshot you sent, next to the drop-down box, there is a button written "Resolve", you must click on it and wait for Kaspersky to perform the work (this may take a while due to the hardware characteristics of your device and current resource usage).

If nothing happens, try activating interactive mode and scanning the device again.


Uncheck the box under: Settings (gear) → Security settings → Object detection exclusions → Perform recommended actions automatically

Interactive mode (user questions) will be active, and you will be asked to decide most actions.

Thus, when Kaspersky detects the malicious object, it will ask you to take action, and you must delete it using the question that will be asked.

Please let me know if everything went well and was resolved 👍

Edited by Guilhermesene4096
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Hello @Mpat Zanakh,

As an addition to @Guilhermesene4096 Post:

Kaspersky is very careful when dealing with mail clients.
When deleting mails, it can happen that the integrity of the inbox, for example, is damaged.
To avoid this, mails with the default settings are not automatically deleted or moved to quarantine.

I would recommend that you manually mark the relevant emails in Thunderbird and then delete them in TB. This allows TB to maintain the integrity of the various boxes itself.
In your case, the majority are in the Junk folder, some are still in the Inbox.
After deletion, it is possible that you will have to compress the folders (using the TB function), only then will the Kaspersky detection disappear for good.

But please handle the mails very carefully! A loss can happen quickly...

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Thank you guys for your feed back. I already tried to find the delete the files / email s by selecting: Open containing folder, HOWEVER I can not see / find the emails in there. If I look directly in TB in the inbox or junk folder the emails are not there either. What does this all mean? Are these malicious files gone, as I can not find them and the Kasp[ersky Plus is just some kind of error message, showing malicious files, although they are not present anymore? What would be a quick fix? Just to click on: IGNORE?

On 8/20/2024 at 9:20 AM, Berny said:

@Mpat Zanakh

Please check this Topic ?

Hey guys, thank you for all thinking about this issue. The information in Berny's link did the trick. I already came on the repair folder command idea, however, I was not so sure about the compact function, as I had never done it before and was worried that I might lose emails. To make a long story short, Berny's workaround in combination with CCleiner did the trick for me and after scanning various folders, several times, I can confirm that everything is okay. Thank you again for getting rid of those pesty warning messages!

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