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Problem in installing Kaspersky admin center 11 [moved]

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i had a problem running Kaspersky admin Center on windows server 2019 and SQL 2016, at first i thougt uninstalling the admin center and reinstall it will solve the problem but it did not work now i cant even install the admin center with the error “No connection to database server. please configure connection.
(Cannot Connect the DB server)”

the SQL server is installed localy and i have checked the permissions the account i use is a sysadmin, there is no connection issues or SQL misconfigurations as i can connect remotely with SSMS to the server, below some errors i have found:

From File: C:\Windows\Temp\$klssinstlib.log 

“3.07.2020 10:05:12.196 00001EEC.00001EE8 L1  KLERR: #1, Error was caught in KLDBINST::SetErrorString, e:\bs\1529\14716\sources\cs adminkit\development2\server\dbutils\db_install.cpp@96. Error params: (1966/0x80004005 ("Cannot connect the DB server"), "KLDB", e:\bs\1529\14716\sources\cs adminkit\development2\server\db\ado\db_inneradoconnectionimpl.cpp@487)
    Error loc: ''.
23.07.2020 10:05:12.196 00001EEC.00001EE8 L1 DBINST: SetErrorStringData('Cannot connect the DB server')
23.07.2020 10:05:12.196 00001EEC.00001EE8 L1 DBINST: ...KLDBINST_Create took 15999.743500 ms (User: 0 ms, Kernel: 16 ms, FullLoad: 0 %)
23.07.2020 10:05:12.196 00001EEC.00001EE8 L1  KLERR: #1, Error was caught in InstallerMSSqlAuthModeDlg::CheckSQLDatabaseServer, e:\bs\1531\14717\sources\cs adminkit\development2\install\wix\installer\sources\dialogs\mssqlauthdlg.cpp@297. Error params: (1966/0x80004005 ("Cannot connect the DB server"), "KLDB", e:\bs\1529\14716\sources\cs adminkit\development2\server\db\ado\db_inneradoconnectionimpl.cpp@487)
    Error loc: ''.
23.07.2020 10:05:12.196 00001EEC.00001EE8 L1 DBINST: Starting KLDBINST_Destroy...
23.07.2020 10:05:12.196 00001EEC.00001EE8 L1 KLTRC_USRNAME: The process is runing under the 'Admin Account' account. Current thread is not impersonated
23.07.2020 10:05:12.196 00001EEC.00001EE8 L1 DBINST: ...KLDBINST_Destroy took 0.668600 ms (User: 0 ms, Kernel: 0 ms, FullLoad: 0 %)”


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