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our latest software release, our digitally signed files are being flagged incorrectly and removed, [Closed]

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Hi, We have many customers using KIS and as of our latest software release it is being flagged incorrectly and removed, the files are all digitally signed some get delete some get left behind, when running the file through the online virus check they come back as safe. Why would KIS Suddenly be killing the application files?
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Hello AdamMastergroup, Welcome!
  1. Sometimes, software previously designated safe can have changes that cause Kaspersky software to "detect".
  2. Othertimes the detections can be false positives.
  3. The VirusDesk scan & Kaspersky software "scan"/detection" functionality are different - I've put the info at the end of my reply.
  1. If you look in KIS REPORTS, can you look for events that match the software detection?
  2. Can you export one of those reports, choose the smallest [day] period available, save the file & upload using the upload icon in your post please?
Also: Have you submitted a request to Kaspersky Lab to ask them why the software is being detected?
  1. Log into your MyKaspersky account: create a case using the Malware / False Positive template, https://my.kaspersky.com/techsupport#/requests/new
  2. Include all info you can, operating systems in use, Kaspersky software in use and a copy of the files being detected - add them to a zip folder & include in the case.
  3. A case will be created with an INCx reference number x = 12 numbers.
  4. You'll also receive an automated email with the same case number, with 48 hours, you should receive followup from an actual human.
Please let us know? Thanks! Kaspersky VirusDesk uses antivirus databases and reputation information from Kaspersky Security Network (KSN). It notifies about known threats detected in the file and shows detailed information about each threat. Kaspersky Virus Desk does not disinfect files. Important: Kaspersky VirusDesk cannot be used for protection against viruses and threats. The results of a scan performed by Kaspersky VirusDesk may differ from scan results of other Kaspersky Lab antivirus solutions due to differences in their settings.
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Thanks, from my last team viewer session with a customer it was detecting the files as a generic windows virus, some of which were signed with our digital certificate and some which were not Unfortunately we are not Kaspersky customers, so do not have access to create support requests it is our customers who have the Kaspersky products which are now removing parts of our software which is causing them to log support tickets with us, quite frustrating!
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Unfortunately we are not Kaspersky customers, so do not have access to create support requests. It is our customers who have the Kaspersky products which are now removing parts of our software which is causing them to log support tickets with us, quite frustrating!
Hello Adam, Can you ask one of your customers to extract the report I asked for earlier, send it to you & please upload, we can help, we need data to work out how. Also, if one or more of the Mastergroup Customers has Kaspersky licensed software ask them to follow the previous:
  1. submit a request to Kaspersky Lab to ask them why the software is being detected?
  1. Log into their MyKaspersky account: create a case using the Malware / False Positive template, https://my.kaspersky.com/techsupport#/requests/new
  2. Include all info they can, operating systems in use, Kaspersky software in use and a copy of the files being detected - add them to a zip folder & include in the case.
  3. A case will be created with an INCx reference number x = 12 numbers.
  4. They'll also receive an automated email with the same case number, with 48 hours, & should receive followup from an actual human.
  1. If multiple Mastergroup Customers contact the Lab with the same issue it's sure to be attended to. Business impacts are always given attention.
Please let us know if we can help? Thanks.
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