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[Not] Kaspersky blocking services.msc [Windows User Account Control: An administrator blocked the execution of this app. ]

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Welcome. Please pass your mouse cursor over the Kaspersky tray icon and tell us the full, complete name and version number of your Kaspersky product. 


What does the error message say?

I use a free version, it’s Kaspersky Security Cloud

My system language is in portuguese, the translated message, in the red banner says “this app has been blocked for your own security”. Below, in the white part, I have “ an administrator blocked the execution of this app. For further information refer to the system administrator”. I took this picture becuz the system does not allow me to take a print screen.



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  I have the same problem(s) after installing the Kaspersky antivirus free edition on Windows 10.


  Before purchasing the Kaspersky Full editions, I decided to try the “Kaspersky Security Cloud - Free” edition.


  Immediately after installing, the “Kaspersky Security Cloud - Free” edition, it took over my administrative rights, disabling many programs, and caused some browsers not to open.


Even when I un-install the “Kaspersky Security Cloud - Free”, I still do not have administrative rights on my computer.


 It feels like my computer has been hijacked because it is currently unusable to me.


 Why, did the “Kaspersky Security Cloud - Free” disable my administrative rights on my computer?


 Please explain how to fix this situation, as I use this computer for work everyday.


My version is:  Kaspersky Security Cloud - Free --- Installed Today 09/12/2020










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