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not able to install KSK on to another mobile using same account?


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I am using the trial version of KSK. I opened one account and install into my mobile and did all the settings.


Subsequently, I wanted to let my wife try it and also allow her to take control of the monitoring hence I install KSK on her phone and used the same account that I started.


However, I realised that when I changed the settings in my mobile, it doesn't get updated in my wife's mobile and this totally screws up all the settings. When I go into My Kaspersky online, I then realises that all the settings are all off and not accurate because any changes I make on my mobile, there is another set of settings on my wife's phone under the same account.


Under KSK, is there no way for my wife and I to both monitor and adjust the settings from our phones (and both phones updated) so that both of us can actually manage the child's usage if one of us is not available? 

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Hello @Desmobdjjjj

Welcome again!

Whenever posting a Community topic, please always share:

  1. Device name/type & OS version?
  2. KSK version
  3. Also, if applicable, screen prints help as we see what (you)/the poster sees. 

Reference resource: Read before you create a new topic! tutorial by @Danila T. 

  • Specific to the enquiry: KSK can be installed on two different Androids, and managed/changed by two parents, using the same MyK account. 
  1. Regarding: “when I changed the settings in my mobile”, were the KSK Settings changed in the KSK app, or the MyK account

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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