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Non persistent desktops - Moving rules configuration

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I would like to have some indications about the configuration of moving rules for non-persistent desktops (VDI). In a nutshell, those desktops are “refreshed” everytime a user logs off and then are recreated automatically wit the same hostname.



Those non-persistent desktops have the following kaspersky’s products installed:

  • Kaspersky Network Agent 12 (KNA) - Configured with VDI configuration options
  • Kaspersky Light Agent 5.1 (KLA)

The configuration of the KNA with these VDI options are made specifically for non-persistent desktops. It executes an automatical suppression of each computer object in the Kaspersky Security Center (KSC) when the desktop is “refreshed” (=when the connection of the KNA is lost with the KSC).

This behavior avoid to have multiple entries for the same computer hostname as they can be recreated a numerous number of time.



When the computer has been automatically recreated by my VDI infrastrcuture, the computer will be back again in “unassigned computers”. The creation of moving rules are then essential to be able  to “push” this new freshly reinstalled computer in the right administration group again.



When the non-persistent desktop has been “refreshed” it appears again in the “unassigned computers”. The moving rules i have set for moving those computers is not working.

I try to change the execution of the rule (“Run once for each device, then each time after reinstalling the Admin Agent” as well as “rule applied continuously”) but no changes.

i have other parameters related to my environnment in the moving rule conditions but i double checked them and they are correct:

  • Name pattern → Ok
  • Domaine membership → Ok
  • Member of a specific Active Directory OU → Ok
  • “The administration agent is installed” →  “Yes”
  • “Is a virtual machine” → “Yes”
  • “Member of a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure” → “Yes”


Thank you for your suggestions.






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