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New top level policy wiped out settings for all lower level policies

Go to solution Solved by kurzninja,

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Well, I done screwed up good. In doing some testing in KSC11, a created a higher level profile under Managed Computers. I immediately found out that in doing so, it wiped out ALL the settings for ALL lower level profiles in subfolders underneath for that version of the program. All of the program settings, whitelists, blacklists, exceptions specific to groups, all gone. There was no prompt or warning that “hey, this might overwrite all of your lower profiles, you sure you wanna do this?”


Fortunately I was able to restore one of our main big profile groups back to a revision from only two days ago. The rest though seem to be giving me an error in that when trying to revert to a past revision I’m getting an “object not found” error. Overwriting all of the profiles with a higher level inherited profile didn’t seem to trigger the creation of a new revision before changing them.


Is there a way to restore the entire KSC11 back to its state from, say, yesterday?

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